Anonymous ID: 0780b9 Aug. 9, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.2525676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5769

Challenging Silicon Valley's "Lords Of The Internet"


Authored by Justin Raimondo via,


A free market would defeat the would-be censors…


The theme of today’s column is suppression – of antiwar voices, of news that doesn’t fit into preconceived narratives, and of our very ability to raise our voices in protest.

If you’re paying attention, you’ve probably already heard about the banning from Twitter of anti-interventionist author and former US diplomat Peter van Buren, a whistleblower whose book on the Iraq war exposed the lies at the heart of that devilish enterprise. When van Buren tweeted that his tenure at the State Department required him to lie to reporters, and that the paladins of the Fourth Estate were all too ready to passively record these lies as truth, the Twitter brouhaha took on seismic proportions. Several journalists were involved, attacking van Buren for showing them up, and one – Jonathan M. Katz, supposedly a New York Times writer – reported van Buren to the Twitter Authorities for allegedly threatening “violence.” Van Buren did no such thing: it was a mere pretext to get him banned. And ban him they did – for life. His account was scrubbed: years of informative tweets were erased.


There were two other casualties in this little Twitter war: our very own Scott Horton, who joined the fray and was suspended for using the “b-word,” and Daniel MacAdams, the director of the Ron Paul Institute, whose “crime” was retweeting Scott’s contribution to the discussion.


This occurred in tandem with the purge of Alex Jones from Facebook, YouTube, and Apple platforms – an obviously coordinated effort undertaken to make an example of the infamous performance artist masquerading as a conspiracy theorist.


All this wasn’t good enough for Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut), who demanded to know if the plan was to only take down “one web site.” No doubt he has a whole list of sites he’d like to take down. Even more ominously, it was revealed that a direct threat had been made to these companies by Sen. Mark Warner (D-Virginia), who sent out a memo listing all the ways the government could crack down on Big Data if they refuse to go along with cleansing the internet of “divisive” material.


So much for the “libertarian” argument that these companies and the platforms they run are “private,” and not connected in any way to the governmental Leviathan. This is the kneejerk response of outlets like Reasonmagazine, but it’s simply not a valid position to take. The Communications Decency Act immunizes these companies against any torts that may arise from activities conducted on their platforms: they can’t be sued or prosecuted for defamation, libel, or indeed for any criminal activity that is generated by these Internet domains. That’s because they claim to be mere “carriers,” like the old phone company, and therefore they can’t be held responsible for conversations, postings, or other online materials that involve illegal or otherwise dubious actors.


On the other hand, content-providers like Fox News, CNN, and are not so privileged: this site, for example, can be sued or held legally responsible by the authorities for any illegal activities supposedly generated on or by


This two-tiered system is responsible for the cartel-like conditions enjoyed by Facebook, Google, Twitter, and the rest of the Silicon Valley crowd. The vast wealth poured into this new technology by investors buoyed by historically low interest rates, plus the special government-granted advantages granted to them by their friends in Washington, has resulted in the enrichment of Big Data beyond the dreams of Croesus.


Anonymous ID: 0780b9 Aug. 9, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.2525820   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bermuda Triangle explorer finds 'alien craft' using maps made by NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper

Published time: 9 Aug, 2018 14:29


A treasure-hunter exploring the depths of the Bermuda Triangle using a secret map made by NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper in space has made a mysterious discovery which he claims may prove the region was visited by aliens.


Explorer Darrell Miklos has been investigating more than 100 magnetic ‘anomalies’ using maps created in the 1960s by his friend and famed NASA astronaut Cooper to locate shipwrecks in the Caribbean.


Many of Miklos’ discoveries have been featured over two seasons of the Discovery Channel docu-series ‘Cooper’s Treasure.’ However, the latest installment of the show includes an unexpected discovery at an undisclosed location near the Bahamas.


Miklos had expected to find an ancient shipwreck but instead, the explorer said he found an astonishing structure unlike anything he had seen before. The ‘unidentified submerged object’ (USO) is huge, and has 15 long 15,300ft obtrusions extending from its side.

Footage of Miklos discovering the bizarre object shows the explorer in a two-man state of the art submarine venturing 300ft below the surface before stumbling upon the ‘alien spaceship’.


“It was a formation unlike anything I've ever seen related to shipwreck material, it was too big for that,” said Miklos to The Daily Mail.


“It was also something that was completely different from anything that I've seen that was made by nature,” he added.

After making the shocking discovery, Miklos retreated to the surface to consult Gordon’s secret maps and found the area had actually been marked with “unidentified object” and not the usual “shipwreck”.


“He had to mean it might be something from another world. Gordon believed in aliens. He believed that we had visitors from other planets and he also believed that a lot of these things landed in this particular part of the world,” explained Miklos.

Astronaut Cooper paved the way for the first moon landing by piloting the Mercury-Atlas 9 Faith 7 Spacecraft around the Earth 22 times in 1963. He was also the first American to sleep in space and first to fly twice.


Cooper died in 2004 from heart failure, but not before passing on his incredible treasure map of magnetic anomalies, created while on his Mercury 9 expedition and perfected over decades of research while on Earth.

Cooper made the discoveries using long range detection equipment to spot nuclear threats on Earth, a secret second part to his space mission. So far Cooper’s maps have led Miklos to dozens of shipwreck discoveries worth millions of dollars, but this latest discovery could be the most exciting yet.


“I want to investigate it. I want to see what it is, because it may be nature made, just a freak of nature, but given its placement in this particular part of the Caribbean and given what Gordon has told me about visitors from another planet and the things that I've seen, I think it's definitely worthwhile investigating,” said Miklos.
