Anonymous ID: 80109c Aug. 9, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.2525733   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Let's look to wwe/wwf when Citizen Trump was visiting…

One thing wwf/wwe does know is how to play the audience… really well! Actors playing a role to work up the audience.


What is President Trump doing but exactly that?


Work the audience to a ferver, breaking the emotional programming, because Sir is working the emotional swings higher and higher, until the media/dems/DS has to go so extreme to keep the attention on what they want us to pay attention to.


This is how the programming gets broken to the people… turning off the programming, then getting emotionally exhausted, then done.

Keep swinging a child on the swing set hard enough, eventually they will fall off.


Release the tape/evidence…..


Now we can look at raw info, and we are not going to be distracted by someone attempting to control narrative… besides 4-6%.