Anonymous ID: d2a1a5 Aug. 9, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.2525531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5587 >>5621 >>5634 >>5877

JS - John Solomon /ourguy/ Evidence


We were told early on that there would be several journalists that would be important to TGA.


Two of those are Sara Carter and John Solomon.


John Solomon has been breaking stories at The Hill with with tons of information that no other journalists have. Including unreleased Strzok and Page text messages.


How would he be getting this information?


Although we don't have proofs, this is more evidence that he is /ourguy/ and Q let us know this early on.

Anonymous ID: d2a1a5 Aug. 9, 2018, 11:12 a.m. No.2525877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5911 >>6042


Sundance at CTH is suspicious.


"There’s something about the construct of these releases that just doesn’t pass the proverbial sniff test. John Solomon –SEE HERE– Sara Carter –SEE HERE– and Byron York –SEE HERE– each writing articles from what appears to be the same sourcing and reference framework; however, each being very opaque in describing their sourcing and context."


"Who is giving these documents to John Solomon? Why are they giving these documents to John Solomon? What is the purpose of giving these documents to John Solomon?"


"There is a motive to leaking this information to John Solomon.


Who are the “investigators” within congress AND the DOJ that are so willing to give documents to Solomon to support his reporting?


My own cynical review takes me back to the recent release of the FISA application and the mysterious unredacted date (3/17/17) that allowed us to connect-the-dots and see how the Senate Intelligence Committee had the original, full and unredacted FISA application… which was transparently leaked by James Wolfe…. and yet no-one caught it or reported on it… and the media were/are hiding their knowledge therein…. and Wolfe was never charged by the DOJ with leaking it.


Essentially, what the sum total of all of this tells me is: the battle of White Hats -vs- Black Hats, inside the institutions of the DOJ/FBI, continues.


There is a specific intent on covering-up the severity of the corruption within the DOJ and FBI; and there is some entity…. some small and obscure -yet motivated- entity… within the institution; that is trying to head-off the cover-up.


This is all happening while congress is out-of-session for August. So, who is the controlling entity here delivering these leaks?


Are they leaks?… or are they “controlled releases”?


Why only Solomon, Carter and York?"