Anonymous ID: 2b1f39 Aug. 9, 2018, 11:52 a.m. No.2526298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6624

>>2526008 lb


Are you keeping an eye on Jordan, Nunes, Meadows, Gaetz? For me, this past month they have gone from heros to zeros. Especially Nunes. I'm glad that operative recorded him. He implied that keeping the House and Senate was the only way to keep Potus crimes from coming to light. And why in hell would he say any thing about receving damaging emails and releasing them to the public. That was never done, so WTF would he even bring it up? Then publicly saying he does not support impeaching RR then privately saying that's only because of postponing Kavanaugh. Impeachment came up before Kavanaugh did and why not just be open about the real reason to the public?

I'm just fed up with the lot of them. They've been saber rattling and then backing down for months on end. I don't even bother listening to them on TV anymore. Fuck em.


>>2526070 lb

I'll just take your word about the veiled threats. I am no fan of JP. He is a useful idiot. But we get all kinds of nefarious anons here. My point still stands that Jr is not necessarily a friend of JP and he did nothing wrong by retweeting a credible tweet.

Anonymous ID: 2b1f39 Aug. 9, 2018, 11:58 a.m. No.2526355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6576


You are the one who needs to wise up. The fucker passed laws quietly because of David fucking Hogg. NRS is only taking one law to SC. That's the 21 age limit ban. Read about the other gun legislation he passed right after Parkland before telling me to wise up. Scott will never get my vote. Period.

Anonymous ID: 2b1f39 Aug. 9, 2018, 12:04 p.m. No.2526420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6527




I was here when that was posted. BO/BV posted a hash history. Was very informative. You guys should stop arguing about the damn cutters. The woman posting those pics has mental issues about her daughter being taken from her back in 2013. Her daughter is an adult now so this poster still has severe mental problems by asking for help to get her daughter back. FYI: from what I gathered, girls father was granted custody and the judge allowed the father's gay partner to adopt the daughter.

None of that has anything to do with QR. But, in case she comes here again posting those pics, I thought you would like to know the background.