Anonymous ID: 6e84ba Aug. 9, 2018, 11:42 a.m. No.2526191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6681

>>2525441 lb

>>2525183 pb

Well, he claims there's 3 layers to the puzzle. And claims that once the 3rd layer is solved, "you'll know without doubt".

Also claims that he "promises" that the "without doubt" answer will be the correct one, fwiw.

>>2524920 pb

Exactly. And with curious timing coincident with the MSM bombardment.

Watching his "whiteboard" video right now. Not sure if I can get through the entire 40 minutes.

Wonder if he had access to any lexical analysis of the breads before making it.

Anonymous ID: 6e84ba Aug. 9, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.2526595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6618 >>6656 >>6752

@16:55 - "You separate people from others. That's very important to form a cult. If you ever want to form a cult, I'm telling you exactly how. You want to make sure they lose contact with the rest of the world. And they just communicate with people who agree with them and it hardens their conviction. So people are spending their time on their own /qresearch/ and they're hardening their opinion."



That may be true on other platforms (not sure), but not here. Almost every moment of every day, there are individuals here spreading fear, uncertainty & doubt. And many of the FUD tactics are most likely built upon linguistic analysis of the conversations taking place here, so they know just where to poke the frog at any given moment.

And the circulation of anonymous IDs every bread makes it difficult if not impossible to maintain a human social relationship over any length of time. Cult dynamics are built on social relationships are they not?


Wonder if he ever came here and spent a few hours lurking before making this video?

Anonymous ID: 6e84ba Aug. 9, 2018, 12:33 p.m. No.2526751   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You make a very good point. Ironic that all these skeptics maintain their access to all this open-source research we've been digging up gratis. You're welcome, guise. Thanks for the compliments.