Anonymous ID: 7209ff Aug. 9, 2018, 12:03 p.m. No.2526411   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>2523220 (PB)

> how is this related to a Research board >exposing elite/political criminality?


For the last decade (at least) a ring of crooked financial journalists like Jim Cramer, (MSNBC)


'dirty' Adam Feurstein, (MarketWatch) Roddy Boyd (NY Post) Joe Nocero (NY Times) and MANY other journalist at NYT WSJ colluding with cultist/OC hedge funds (Tourbillion) and crooked regulators (SEC) to destroy baby biotech companies.


(((They))) have made 100s of billions of dollars while destroying US innovation and leadership in biomedical sector. The racket works like this:


Crooked Financial journalists create fake negative news about a new company with promising product. They orchestrate a cordinated release of news coordinating with one or more crooked hedgefunds partners like (Tourbillion) who sell hundreds of millions of shares they do not own into the marketplace. A practise called "naked" short selling.


The result of naked short selling is bankrupt bio tech companies and investors as cultist and crooked financial journalist grow rich and We the People die or suffer needlessly, go blind or have toes amputated one by one as they turn gangerous from treatable conditions like diabetes.


This activity is part of a sophisticated, long term subversive stratedgy called "the plan to destroy America" which plan is at the heart of our research here.


Cultist financial depredation


The goal of these people was not just to steal 100s of billions (they did) but also to subvert US innovation.

(((They))) are still doing it. Still attack Mannkind, still attacking a product beneficial to many of those 100 million American diabetics.


Naked shorting is ongoing

The cultists want to keep us sick and demoralized, convinced we're too stupid to cure common diseases like cancer and diabetes while making them rich.


Even "pharma bro" Martin Shrekli joined in on the fake journalist beat-down which targeted MANNKIND Pharmaceuticals.


Martin Shkreli >


Mannkind is the one little biotech company (((they))) have not been able to destroy. (((They've))) have been attacking it for over ten years. It's a high priority target because it make a revolutionary product #Afrezza.


Anon spent a year researching cultist market manipulation this self-funding subversion. No co incidence this company is called Mannkind."


The 20 years the scientist Al Mann created an insulin #afrezza that gives diabetics near normal blood sugar and doesn't cause fibroid tumors at injection sites like the ultra rapid injectble insulins do.


Those ultra rapid acting injectable insulins are most profitable drugs in the world. Big Pharma has corrrupted regulators to protect less imprtant products from competition.


If the makers of the two most profitable ultra rapid selling insulins gave a damn about patient safety they would place a warning on the label about fibroid amyloid tumors. Instead, they have taken great pains to prevent this dangerous common side effect from coming to light at at.

This is Harry Lime stuff, keeping lifesaving drugs from the market kills people. Real people.




*Afrezza gives diabetics near normal control over their bloodsugar.

*Diabetes is the biggest and most damaging disease in America.

*That why the cult has been attacking this company Mannkind Pharmaceutical.

*Is there anything in a name?


  • This is not a salespitch, #afrezza is a solution to a national health emergency second only to opiate addiction another direct consquence cult self-funding subversion.


The cult does not want 100 million diabetics living happier, healthier, richer, less blind and and less toe-amputated lives.


Diabetes is a cult caused the epidemic.


#Afrezza is an effective treatment because it gives diabetics near normal A1c blood sugar readings


This is information We the People need and are entitled to have been denied by cultist contrrolled media.


The product is everything the scientist said it was. A simple search provides abundant user testimony.


Right now there not a single trusted outlet that could deliver this news and be believed. Except maybe us.


Take a look for yourself.