Anonymous ID: 91091c Aug. 9, 2018, 11:34 a.m. No.2526108   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Argentina Defeats Bill To Legalize Abortion In Pope's Homeland

"Argentina made the right decision"


Argentina will not be going the way of Ireland on abortion. After a hard-fought battle, the bill to legalize killing unborn children in the Latin paradise suffered a narrow defeat in the Senate on Wednesday, halting the momentum of the country's pro-choice movement.

Anonymous ID: 91091c Aug. 9, 2018, 11:35 a.m. No.2526124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6161 >>6333 >>6451



Atlanta Charter School Removes ‘Pledge Of Allegiance,’ Will Rewrite To Be More ‘Inclusive’


An Atlanta charter school will no longer require students to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance each morning, because the pledge is no longer seen as inclusive enough.


Students at Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School may recite the pledge later in the day, but it was cut from morning announcements "in an effort to begin our day as a fully inclusive and connected community,” a news release obtained by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution said.


“Over the past couple of years it has become increasingly obvious that more and more of our community were choosing to not stand and/or recite the pledge,” the release continued.


In place of the pledge, teachers and students will work together to write something new.


“This pledge will focus on students’ civic responsibility to their school family [sic], community, country and our global society,” the release said.

Anonymous ID: 91091c Aug. 9, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.2526142   🗄️.is 🔗kun

San Francisco City Officials Are Getting Nearly 80 'Poop Calls' Per Day

In just the month of July, the information line received 1,900 calls about human feces on sidewalks.


San Francisco says the number of homeless encampments is down but that between July 1 and July 25, 2018, the city's information service portal received around 2,000 calls about human feces on San Fran sidewalks — nearly 80 calls per day.


The San Francisco Chronicle reports that city officials have touted a significant decrease in so-called "tent cities"; the city has managed to cut the number of homeless encampments by about half over the last two years. But the homeless that remain are more destructive than ever and most have turned down the offer of public housing.

Anonymous ID: 91091c Aug. 9, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.2526155   🗄️.is 🔗kun

this is not the AMERICA I want


WARNING: Colleges May Reject You Based On Whom You Follow On Social Media


Prospective college students beware, university administrators are not only going through your educational history and social media feeds to see what you’ve said in the past, they’re now looking to discriminate against you based on whom you follow.


In a post on his website Shear Social Media, attorney Bradley Shear told the story of a client who was asked by a “prestigious college” why he followed conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on Twitter.


“We are not talking about applicants who are retweeting alleged hate speech, alleged ‘Fake News,’ or alleged hoaxes,” Shear wrote. “We are talking about just following a Twitter feed of someone whose views are frowned upon by members of an admissions committee.”