Anonymous ID: f9a68f Aug. 9, 2018, 12:09 p.m. No.2526496   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2525765 (prev.)

I have a suspicion about why Scott Adams wants to PERSUADE people that Q is a larp.

"Symbolism will be their downfall."

He JP (Posobiec) and KS (Kurtis Schlicter) – who along with him have "good' unnamed sources who told them Q is not real – are probably part of the club.

Anonymous ID: f9a68f Aug. 9, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.2526800   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I watched his video and noticed he used various persuasion techniques. The loaded words he used will scare people off who consider themselves rational, scientifically minded and not gullible: (1) Q is a RELIGION - implication faith and belief are required, no facts or evidence; (2) Q followers are in a CULT - people who follow Q are brainwashed and manipulated; (3) Q followers see something that obviously is not there - elephant in the room - aka CRAZY; (4) Q followers do not see REALITY as we suffer from CONFIRMATION BIAS; (5) Q detractors are at a disadvantage yet credible because they cannot PROVE a NEGATIVE; (6) He is an EXPERT in economics, persuasion and scam detection - thus Q followers are gullible; (8) Other EXPERTS and highly skilled INVESTIGATORS in the press and police/FBI do not support Q; (9) He and other Q detractors are more credible EXPERTS who have GOOD ANONYMOUS SOURCES that we do not and cannot know; (10) ECONOMICS persuade us that no insider would give away such valuable information for FREE.


He also ego-stroked Autists and Q followers as above average intelligence, good intentioned and patriots. Ego-stroking is a key element in manipulation.