Anonymous ID: 8583db Aug. 9, 2018, 2:16 p.m. No.2527937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What is globalization?


In the 20th century, mankind faced such an objective phenomenon as globalization. What is it? Globalization is the process of concentrating the management of all mankind in one hand. This process has been going on throughout human history and now it is coming to its end.


Many years ago, the priests of Ancient Egypt understood that globalization can be controlled. They developed general principles and schemes for managing society to achieve their own goals and led this process. Let's try to see how the globalization process is being managed now.


The 6th priority - Weapons of Mass Destruction / Military

"War is the continuation of politics by other means"

Carl Von Clausewitz


The most ancient and fastest way to manage people are wars. The goal of any war is the conquest of territories, riches, human resources or the complete destruction of the enemy. The history of mankind has captured many bloody wars. In the course of the global historical process, ever more sophisticated, perfect instruments for destruction and enslavement appeared. And now humanity was trapped, because it is forced to spend more and more money on an endless arms race. In the end, we have created such weapons, which together with the enemy can destroy the entire civilization.


The 5th priority - The Weapon of Genocide

"For the Slavs, no hygiene, only vodka and tobacco!"

Adolf Gitler


Further development was the transition from hot wars, conducted with the help of conventional weapons, to cold wars, conducted by the method of "cultural cooperation". To destroy or subjugate the whole people with the help of weapons of genocide, that is, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, some vaccinations and GMO products. But, so that people do not recognize them as weapons, they were disguised, with the help of culture, the media, specially planted sayings and accepts, under allegedly harmless means to relax, relieve stress, have fun and get resistance to the disease. But in fact these are dangerous poisons that undermine genetics of the genus, killing people spiritually and physically, both living and future generations. Russia annually loses only from the consequences


of alcohol-related excesses of more than 700,000 people a year. Do you think this is an informed choice of everyone? This is an imposed imaginary choice, since our culture from the very childhood offers a person to choose either lie #1 - use various dope in moderation, or lie #2 - without measure.


The 4th priority - Economic

"Let me manage the money of the country, and I do not care who rules there"

Michael Rothschild.


For globalizers to completely destroy the people doesn't make sense, some slaves must remain. Therefore, one can subordinate their economy to their narrowly clan interests, so that the people do not even understand what is really going on. This can be done through world money and the institution of credit, with the help of usurious loan interest, when the clans of bankers, without producing anything of value to society, receive frenzied incomes on credit interest, and people, families, whole peoples work for their repayment for a long time, essentially his slaves. To implement this mechanism, it will take more time, since first it is necessary to plant a vitally incomplete economic science, but this pays off with great effect. Because in this case the whole society, regardless of whether people take loans or not, whether they understand these mechanisms or not, is in fact economically dependent on a narrow layer of bankers, fueling this system as batteries.

Anonymous ID: 8583db Aug. 9, 2018, 2:17 p.m. No.2527946   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The 3rd priority - Factual

"Facts do not exist - there are only interpretations."

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche


It is much more effective to manage peoples or individual strata of society by treating human consciousness in a certain way with the help of various ideologies, creeds, sociological doctrines, and the media. For some, in the unconscious are recorded, for example, the teachings of Karl Marx, for others - Allah Akbar, the third - Christ is risen, the fourth - live brightly, die young. And if it is necessary at a certain moment, using special methods of activating pre-set contradictions such as provocations, contract killings, scandalous articles, cartoons or objectively accompanying mistakes, people confront each other, which from the outside may look like an accident. So, now we are witnessing attempts to clash historically formed Islam and biblical Christianity. And this is despite the fact that people understand that God, the Creator and the Almighty, is one for all who are on Earth, which is reflected in many world religions. One of the most powerful ways of treating people's consciousness is television, because, contrary to popular belief, the media does not so much reflect the objective reality, as it is programmed, shaping people's attitudes toward particular events. Now, terrorist acts on this scale happen only because they are immediately shown on all channels, in fact the media in this case become informational sponsors of terrorists, providing them with billions of budgets and a huge audience.


The 2nd priority - Chronological / Historical

"Often look back to the past to avoid major mistakes in the future"

Kozma Prutkov


It is known that a person who has forgotten his history, the history of his Motherland is like a tree that has lost its roots. And what will happen if a whole nation forgets its history or believes in some historical myth imposed on it, taking into account the interests of external hostile forces? George Orwell once wrote: "Who controls the past, he rules the future; who rules the present, he rules the past. " Rewriting the history of the people inevitably leads to a change in its future. That is why the arrival of the new government is always accompanied by rewriting of history, but the rulers themselves do not understand how they are used in the dark. This was very clearly manifested today in the former Soviet republics that split from the USSR. Therefore, it must always be remembered that history never teaches anything, it only punishes for ignorance of its lessons.

Anonymous ID: 8583db Aug. 9, 2018, 2:17 p.m. No.2527947   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The 1st priority - World View

"If you want to defeat the enemy - bring up his children"

Eastern wisdom


The conquest of the people will be the most stable, effective and practically irreversible, if one succeeds in some way modifying its worldview on a mass scale. Then the people themselves defend the interests of the invaders, considering them part of their normal life. Now, before our eyes, the media, all the feature films, pop stars and movies are trying to convince that alcohol, nicotine, other drugs, and sexual perversion are "normal" phenomena in the life of modern Russian society. The most striking example of the impact on the world view is the caste structure of society in India, where the transition from one caste to another is almost impossible. On the territory of India, about 300 million people belonging to the caste of untouchables or little people live in total poverty, who believe that this is the only possible way of their existence in society. This example shows how world view determines the life of many generations of people for thousands of years. To date, there are two main types of worldview prevailing in society. Kaleidoscopic worldview - when people in the whole stream of events and facts do not find their place in life, in their understanding, each new event only introduces additional chaos into their worldview, like the addition of a new fragment of glass in a kaleidoscope, changes the whole picture. The mosaic world view - people with such a worldview, see the world as one and integral, in which everything is causally conditioned, where there are no accidental events, and the emergence of a new fact or event complements the picture of the world, making it more clear, like adding a new fragment to the mosaic. Unfortunately, modern culture in our society generates the predominance of a kaleidoscopic type of worldview.


"Everything that we see is only one appearance.

Far from the surface of the world to the bottom.

Believe it is unimportant in the world,

For the secret essence of things is not visible. "

Omar Khayyam


Previously, all these control mechanisms were hidden, and only a limited number of initiates knew them, but now, due to the operation of the objective law of time, everything secret becomes clear and every person can see it if desired. Now the unknown hand and its owner emerged, who in due time came up with all these mechanisms, and skillfully launched them in the course of the global historical process, for which before in society there was not even a term denoting the existence of such a craftsman. This objective phenomenon in the life of society was called conceptual power, and the mechanisms for waging wars or managing society were singled out as generalized means or priorities for the management of this very conceptual power. When applied within a single social system, it is a generalized means of managing it, and when applied by one social group in relation to another, it is a weapon, i.e. means of warfare, in the most general sense of the word. Today, being aware of these mechanisms, each person is able to resist the influence on him from the outside on all priorities, and he has a conscious choice - to remain a slave, or to become free and become a Human.


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