What is globalization?
In the 20th century, mankind faced such an objective phenomenon as globalization. What is it? Globalization is the process of concentrating the management of all mankind in one hand. This process has been going on throughout human history and now it is coming to its end.
Many years ago, the priests of Ancient Egypt understood that globalization can be controlled. They developed general principles and schemes for managing society to achieve their own goals and led this process. Let's try to see how the globalization process is being managed now.
The 6th priority - Weapons of Mass Destruction / Military
"War is the continuation of politics by other means"
Carl Von Clausewitz
The most ancient and fastest way to manage people are wars. The goal of any war is the conquest of territories, riches, human resources or the complete destruction of the enemy. The history of mankind has captured many bloody wars. In the course of the global historical process, ever more sophisticated, perfect instruments for destruction and enslavement appeared. And now humanity was trapped, because it is forced to spend more and more money on an endless arms race. In the end, we have created such weapons, which together with the enemy can destroy the entire civilization.
The 5th priority - The Weapon of Genocide
"For the Slavs, no hygiene, only vodka and tobacco!"
Adolf Gitler
Further development was the transition from hot wars, conducted with the help of conventional weapons, to cold wars, conducted by the method of "cultural cooperation". To destroy or subjugate the whole people with the help of weapons of genocide, that is, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, some vaccinations and GMO products. But, so that people do not recognize them as weapons, they were disguised, with the help of culture, the media, specially planted sayings and accepts, under allegedly harmless means to relax, relieve stress, have fun and get resistance to the disease. But in fact these are dangerous poisons that undermine genetics of the genus, killing people spiritually and physically, both living and future generations. Russia annually loses only from the consequences
of alcohol-related excesses of more than 700,000 people a year. Do you think this is an informed choice of everyone? This is an imposed imaginary choice, since our culture from the very childhood offers a person to choose either lie #1 - use various dope in moderation, or lie #2 - without measure.
The 4th priority - Economic
"Let me manage the money of the country, and I do not care who rules there"
Michael Rothschild.
For globalizers to completely destroy the people doesn't make sense, some slaves must remain. Therefore, one can subordinate their economy to their narrowly clan interests, so that the people do not even understand what is really going on. This can be done through world money and the institution of credit, with the help of usurious loan interest, when the clans of bankers, without producing anything of value to society, receive frenzied incomes on credit interest, and people, families, whole peoples work for their repayment for a long time, essentially his slaves. To implement this mechanism, it will take more time, since first it is necessary to plant a vitally incomplete economic science, but this pays off with great effect. Because in this case the whole society, regardless of whether people take loans or not, whether they understand these mechanisms or not, is in fact economically dependent on a narrow layer of bankers, fueling this system as batteries.