Hold the line anons, incoming MUH all jew shills
The possible pattern between the three (and many more) alt-media persons is that all got payed from the 20 mln dollar that was reserved for that goal under the Obama signed bill, to control alt-media (picture related)
In that case Potus would know that, and a plan would be made where they make a fool of THEMSELVES
โฆright before the hammer falls (so they can't claimget credit)
20 hours a day no division and comfy digging, meming, and discussion
4 hours shill attacks
The pattern is that Scott first told "don't trust anonymous sources, like q and sources from MSM"
And he ended with "these 3 persons have anonymous sources" so trust us
You see the contradadiction in his presentation?
There are many more contradictions in Scott his presentation, watch it again, you may learn something.
They decided to play so we play back, for the fun of it, no hard feelinz
Here another one
Comparisson example mathematically
Lets say (just example) that
Scott has 8 solid arguments, that are not proof but are in general more likely, lets say 80% chance
Then the total of those chances is 1,8 ^8, that gives the number 110,19
Lets say there are 100 Q proofs with just 5% chance to be true
Then the total of those chances is 1,05 ^100, that gives the number 131,5
The second hypothetis in this example has a higher total chance to be true
Jack tried to convince his mathematical case was true wghile not aplying the same logic to the massive amounts of Q proofs
And yes. One time a person on the the tv saying jack to him is coincidence, when it happens 100 times in 9 months it is not an accident anymore
โฆthen mathemtical chance logic comes in place, what he tried to use to debunk Q
Debunking the ones who attack us with lame arguments (and not provable statements like muh chatlogs) is not a slide.
We are not a self raping bitch