Corsi and Posobiec are now officially butt pirate paytriot buddies.
For purists, who believe “money” refers only to physical “narrow money” (bank notes, coins, and money deposited in savings or checking accounts), the total is somewhere around $36.8 trillion. If you’re looking at “broad money,” which isn’t just physical money and includes any money held in easily accessible accounts, the number is about $90.4 trillion.
Id say they own shitloads of the real money, considering they run the world banks. And us plebs just have access to the paper signature money.
Moar Bank of International Settlements interdastings.
Agustín Carstens is married to Catherine Mansell, an American academic, writer and economist who has authored several books on finance and on literary fiction and nonfiction under the pen name C. M. Mayo.
A Texas native, she was raised in Northern California and educated as an economist at the University of Chicago. She is a long-time resident of Mexico City.ín_Carstens
Mayo is a very interdasting name to pick for a pen name.
No rest until the redshield falls.
Kek, hes the perfect fatass greedy banker meme.
Saying moar and looking at his fat ass, reminded me of this guy, he looks like a fuckin mexican michael moore. KEK.
Fuckin kek.
Would lead to mass starvation, and an extinction event, could be on the right track.