The jews have been successfully manipulating Christians into accepting the notion that the jew are somehow more spiritually in tune with God, because “God Chose them.”
Did you know that Jesus called the god of the jew the Devil?
Whose word are you going to accept more; the word of Jesus Himself, or the words of the children of the Devil?
Stop being manipulated!
Did you know that jewish law permits the rape and murder of innocent, defenseless children?
How come the jews never tell Christians that???
Would a loving God permit and condone Child Rape and Murder, like the “god” of the jew?
Would Jesus permit and condone Child Rape and Murder?
Do you stand with Jesus, or do you stand with Evil? It is your choice.
It is easier to defeat evil than you may think.
Never buy Kosher Products.
Never do business with a jew or jew controlled businesses.
Never vote for a jew or anyone that supports jews or Israel.
Boycotting the jew is Easy, Fast, Peaceful, and EFFECTIVE.
Don't be a Christian in name only!
Spread the word to your fellow Christians.
Boycott the jew, starting today!