Scenario 3
"Mr. President…who is Q?'
"You'll have to be more specific. Do you mean Q or Q+?"
Scenario 3
"Mr. President…who is Q?'
"You'll have to be more specific. Do you mean Q or Q+?"
Q's been attacking the Rothschild's for ten months, and only today they finally prove they've been following every post while hiding in their bunker.
What those attacking Q fail to acknowledge is that this movement has grown not based on the mystique of some clandestine person or group, but from the ten months of research on this board disseminated to the public. It was that public that used that information as the basis for informing others and so on.
None of them have a basis for attacking the information, because much it they believe themselves.
We're still here researching, while the e-celebs like Adams, Posobiec, Beanz, and Wictor are still melting down on their platforms.
It's important to take note of the critical but respectful tone taken by Wikileaks regarding Q. They appear to view Q as a serious and worthy political force deserving attention and less of a LARP/conspiracy.
Twatter is fucking melting down right now with Q-bashers by the millions on millions of accounts, all over this little 8chan board here with 177 ID's.