Anonymous ID: c9dcfc Aug. 9, 2018, 6:25 p.m. No.2530977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0992 >>1013 >>1364 >>1509



One withstands the invasion of armies; one does not withstand the invasion of ideas.

  • Victor Hugo


What purpose does the MSM really serve?

In simple terms, it sells to the population what they must like and what they must dislike.

To put it crudely: It builds shit up and cuts shit down.


It makes certain people stars and destroys others.

It sells certain fashions and ways of thought, and undermines others.


Those in power use the MSM to promote ideas that legitimize their power.

The MSM ignores anything that could interfere with the line of thought they are selling.

If an unsanctioned idea that could threaten their power pushes itself into the public awareness, then they use the MSM to undermine and delegitimize the idea.


Legitimize and elevate


Delegitimize, denigrate, undermine


Faced with a movement that questions the MSM itself, the MSM has acted as it always does.

It ignored the Q phenomenon until it grew big enough to enter the public awareness via MSM channels (Trump rally crowd), then moved to delegitimize it.


Ideas are a virus that trigger the MSM's autoimmune system


Q and QAnon signs have been appearing on billboards and at events in recent months.

This was mostly ignored by the MSM until Trump's Florida rally, where the prevalence of Q signs made it impossible to ignore.

Impossible because if the MSM continued to ignore the mysterious Q signs and slogans, then would it feed into the whole "MSM are hiding stuff from us" narrative.

This would give the Q movement legitimacy. ("What is this Q stuff? Why is no one mentioning it? See, the MSM really are hiding the truth.")

Forced to acknowledge the existence of Q supporters, the MSM's only possible response was to undermine ("conspiracy theorists," possible false flag events).


We've gone from being ignored to being denigrated as crazies (Move along people; nothing to see here).

Now what?


Well, now that you can see how it works, reuse the same pattern.

Use the MSM's system against itself.


One way is to force the MSM to now STOP mentioning the Q phenomenon while we're being more visible than ever, thereby proving they are hiding something.

If we're everywhere, but the MSM begins ignoring the Q elephant in the room, it then proves to everyone that something's up.


How to make the MSM ignore us while we're in plain sight?

Show the uncomfortable truth that they cannot report – and show it via their own channels.



Anonymous ID: c9dcfc Aug. 9, 2018, 6:26 p.m. No.2530992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1004 >>1013 >>1509

>>2530977 1/3




Meme (((Their))) Channels


What are the powers that be afraid of?

What are they already trying to outlaw in the EU?

What has Q been asking us to create?



But don't confine yourselves to sharing memes in our usual channels.

You're only preaching to the converted.

And even there we're being shadow-banned and censored.

Step outside


Meme Bombing IRL

Memes >Placards >> Public Areas + MSM Live Coverage


How did the Q phenomenon make the leap to MSM coverage?

By appearing in MSM coverage, where it could no longer be ignored.


Infiltrate MSM coverage of any event with meme placards Live broadcasts, morning shows).

Use meme messages that undermine the very media that are broadcasting our memes.


Holding up signs that say "Q" and "WWG1WGA" speak only to people in the know, and help the MSM label us as those wacky cultists/conspiracy theorists/whatever.

Instead, use every opportunity to get in front of the MSM with meme placards that drop truth bombs.

Use meme magic – directed through their own channels.

Undermine and delegitimize.


Faced with a duplicitous MSM, the truth is our weapon.

Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come.


The audience heckling Acosta and CNN at the Trump rally in Florida was hilarious, but it serves the MSM.

MSM viewers see themselves and CNN as "us." We, the hecklers, are "them."

How to get the brainwashed MSM audience on side?

We need to make the MSM "them" and their viewers a part of "us."


The narrative we need to establish is we are David against the media Goliath

Everyone loves an underdog


The MSM have set the narrative to Q = deranged conspiracy theorists

We need to alter the narrative to Q = truth


How to equate Q with truth in normies' minds?

State plain, easily verifiable truths where normies will see them

Paste-up meme posters on public walls, in the same places you see promo posters for upcoming concerts and festivals

Tie these truths with Q


Reach the normies via the channels they already watch

We need the mainstream audience to now go from "Those Q people sound kinda nutty" to "You know, those Q people have a point."

Truth bombs


Using the MSM rulebook of ignore, elevate, or undermine, we undermine.

Attack their legitimacy

Make them a laughing stock

Call them on their bullshit

And, importantly, we do it all via their own channels, where their core audience will see it


Every time they turn up at an event, fill the shot with meme placards.

Imagine, for example, if Jim Acosta was surrounded by meme placards at the Trump rally that showed examples of blatant media lies and scandalous behavior by staff, or his annual salary (switch him to "1%/them" in viewers' minds), his face in clown makeup, whatever looks bad or makes them squirm.

Imagine an entire crowd in Jim Acosta masks silently standing behind any CNN reporter during a broadcast. Too creepy?

Imagine a crowd standing quietly and respectfully behind any reporter, holding signs that say "The media are lying to you." Or give obvious examples that show this is so.



Anonymous ID: c9dcfc Aug. 9, 2018, 6:27 p.m. No.2531013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1216 >>1509

>>2530977 1/3

>>2530992 2/3




Take Back The Phrase "Conspiracy Theory": Equate It With Fact


Meme placards:

Q Conspiracy Theory: Jim Acosta earns $X million per year

Q Conspiracy Theory: Six corporations control everything you see and hear

Q Conspiracy Theory: Maxine Waters: $4 million home, $6 million in cash assets. Salary $170,000. How?

Q Conspiracy Theory: CNN receives $20 million/year to sell you drugs.

Q Conspiracy Theory: Acosta receives $XX/year to tell you what to think.

Q Conspiracy Theory:


Hold The MSM To It's Own Standards Of Political Correctness


Meme placards:

Q Conspiracy Theory: CNN male reporters earn more than female reporters

Q Conspiracy Theory: Jim Acosta: News for white people

Q Conspiracy Theory: CNN is news for straight people / Where are the LGBTQ reporters?


Look like the MSM


The on-air reporters' legitimacy comes from their suits, carefully coiffured hair, modulated voices, makeup and lighting.

Undermine their legitimacy by using the same signifiers against them.


Noisy rabble in T-shirts and caps serves their purpose ("us" vs. "them"). It's precisely why they set up in front of such backgrounds.

A group of well-presented people in suits who look the same as the MSM reporter fucks with their narrative ("us" vs. … "us"?).

If they try to undermine the professional-looking people behind them, they only undermine themselves.

They need a "them" to contrast against their supposed "us."


This is one of many reasons why street protests always fail.

The MSM focus on the shabbiest and weirdest among the protestors to undermine and delegitimize their protest message.

Look at "them," they aren't like "us" (and therefore their protest message is illegitimate).

Imagine if all protestors were wearing suits.

Imagine TV news showing police clubbing and dragging away people who look like bankers, politicians and media presenters.

Imagine the message that would send.


You have to stop being "them," and one way to do that is to look like the MSM "us."

If you look and act like them, then your message carries their air of legitimacy.


Their only choice in this situation is to obviously ignore your presence or try to denigrate you.

Ignoring you standing there with a sign calling out their lies tells viewers something.

The only other option is to acknowledge your presence and try to make you look like an idiot.

If that happens, don't fall into their trap. In the same measured tone they use (the voice of reason), simply repeat and reinforce the message on your placard.

Be the presenger of a scripted message, exactly like the on-air reporter


Get outside and fuck with (((them)))

Take back the term "conspiracy theory" by anchoring it in people's mind with "uncomfortable truth" (use easily verifiable truths stated as "Q conspiracy theory")

Delegitimize the MSM by using it's own tactics against itself

Call it out for all it's political incorrectness (too white, too male, too ethnocentric, too straight): sow division among its core audience

When people start to wake up and ask questions, they'll come looking for Q and be more ready for the heavier going that's on these boards

