Anonymous ID: 7eaeeb Aug. 9, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.2531834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1840 >>1873 >>1936

Thank you, Fred.

Thank you CM.

Thank you BO.

Thank you BVs.

Thank you anons.

Thank you, men and women in service.

Thank you NSA.

Thank you Wray, Sessions, Huber, Horowitz, and the 470.

Thank you, patriots, and those brave enough to endure ridicule in the caucuses, primaries, rallies, and in your daily lives for the MAGA agenda.

Thank you, Q. You answered the call when you didnt have to.

Thank you to the open-minded patriots that have embraced MAGA; despite your perceived losses during the last election.

Thank you to the GREAT actors for this GOOD movie. Yours is the least glorious job right now, but rest assured that there are those of us that recognize what you are doing!


All of us here, right now, were born at just the right time to witness pic related. WE ARE TRUELY BLESSED!!!