Exclusive–Eric Eggers: ‘Democrat Political Machine Built’ on ‘Reliance of Illegal Votes’
You have an entire chapter of the book dedicated to globalist billionaire George Soros and you call him the “man behind the ballot booth.” Tell me about his influence in keeping American elections insecure.
Soros doesn’t only fund entities that create an atmosphere where voter fraud can occur, but he also funds politicians, so of course the politicians that take his money aren’t going to do anything to counter the policies that help facilitate voter fraud.
Basically, Soros funds groups that do two things: They fight to keep the vulnerabilities of American elections in place and he funds groups that go out and roust up any voter by any means necessary, regardless of the legality of their [immigration] status in the country.
That’s why he’s funded groups like the ACLU … and La Raza and ACORN, both of whom have had to change their names because of how common voter fraud has been associated with their employees.
The apparatus to move all the pieces around to try to commit voter fraud, they share a common link and that link is George Soros.