Anonymous ID: 381364 Aug. 9, 2018, 8:58 p.m. No.2534062   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Funny how Browder is never mentioned anywhere on mockingbird, even after Putin called him out. If someone didn't see POTUS & his live presser & only depend on tv for recaps, they'd never know.

No surprise, threw his name in with Otto's & got this hit:

>The Magnitsky Act adopted by the Obama administration in 2012 appears to be based on a "legend" created and blown up by US investor William Browder, an email of a State Department intelligence official obtained by unknown hackers says. RIA Novosti author Andrei Veselov conducted a very thorough investigation.

>Curiously enough, Otto admitted in one of his emails that Nekrasov was "no regime tool"; quite the contrary…

> Meanwhile, Russian lawyer Natalya Veselnitskaya, the very same one who later met with Donald Trump, Jr., came to the attention of Otto and Browder.

>Speaking to RIA Novosti, Veselnitskaya revealed that Browder had orchestrated an all-out campaign in US mainstream media against her…

>Still, it seems that at some point Otto began to ask himself whether he and his colleagues became part of Browder's "PR machine."

>”I am beginning to feel we are all just part of the Browder PR machine," Otto wrote to a person named John P. Williams. "When I wrote the note on the meeting with him, I ended with The Untouchables [a 1987 American gangster film]. Here I will just quote from the Man Who Shot Liberty Valence [a 1962 American Western film]: when the legend becomes fact, print the legend." 

>Otto's remark is by no means a slip of the tongue and does deserve special attention.

>Email archive of Robert Otto, US State Department intelligence official: Robert Otto's response to John P. Williams

>Thus, Otto openly admitted that the Magnitsky Act and sanctions against Russia were adopted on the basis of a "legend" that was created by Browder.