Anonymous ID: 738eb1 Aug. 9, 2018, 9:02 p.m. No.2534156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4249 >>4315 >>4327 >>4414 >>4437 >>4543 >>4544

Took just under an hour for someone to receive my call. I kept it very simple. Gave my name (I could care less you fucks, I've said here before plenty of times that I was "doxxed" long before I knew what Q was) and stated very simply that I believed they should investigate the clinton foundation for crimes of human trafficking. I told her that I was not the kind of person who went around paranoid thinking that everything was a conspiracy theory, but that I was genuinly concerned for not only our nations children but children worldwide.


She stated that they have been getting TONS of calls tonight for the same exact thing. She thanked me for calling. I continued by saying I sincerely hope that they took this matter seriously and gave it the proper investigation.


I never mentioned Q and never had to go into any details. I simply said that I had been researching the matter for a couple years and as a tax paying American, was deeply, deeply concerned.


Best of luck Anons. Speak your mind- you don't have to sound like a fucking genius. I certainly don't. When the truth is on your side, you have nothing to hide.