Anonymous ID: ba25b7 Aug. 9, 2018, 8:53 p.m. No.2533964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3974

There were two DL's in Q's drop, on the same line.


>[DOJ [LL][SY][BO-CS(UK)][DL][PS][DL][JC][MM][RB]]←——–→[BC]*


2 separate people? Or a mistake?


One is David Laufman, I know that. But the other, if this is a, indeed, separate person?

Anonymous ID: ba25b7 Aug. 9, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.2534300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4329 >>4333 >>4336

All the Abbreviations I have so far:


Still missing PS and DL under the DOJ category. Don't say Peter Strzok and David Laufman. Look closer. There are two DLs, and Strzok worked for the FBI, not the DOJ.


WH - White House

Hussein - Obama

VJ - Valerie Jarrett

DM - Denis McDonough

JB - John Brennan

RE - Rahm Emanuel

JK - John Kerry

SP - Samantha Power

KM - Karen Mills

HRC - Hillary Clinton

DNC - Democratic National Committee


C_A - Central Intelligence Agency

JB - John Brennan

CLAS1-5 - Classified Individuals

NSA - National Security Agency

TT - Trump Tower


DNI - Director of National Intelligence

JC - James Clapper


DOJ - Dept. of Justice

LL - Loretta Lynch

SY - Sally Yates

BO - Bruce Ohr

CS - Christopher Steele

UK - United Kingdom

DL - David Laufman

PS -

JC - John Carlin

PS - Peter Strzok

DL -

JC - James Comey

MM - Mary McCord

RB - Rachel Brand

BC - Bill Clinton


FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation

JC - James Comey

AM - Andrew McCabe

JR - James Rybicki

MS - Michael Steinbach

BP - Bill Priestap

PS - Peter Strzok

LP - Lisa Page

JB - James Baker

MK - Michael Kortan

JC - John Carlin

SM - Sally Moyer

TG - Tashina Gauhar

KC - Kevin Clinesmith

HRC - Hillary Clinton

BC - Bill Clinton

HA - Huma Abedin

CM - Cheryl Mills


NO NAME - John McCain

JB - John Brennan

JC - James Comey


CS - Christopher Steele



RM - Robbie Mook