Anonymous ID: 440707 Aug. 9, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.2535450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5486


>What about the children? Someone asked this last year and Q responded by saying that over 3,000+ were saved in Saudi Arabia alone. What about our missing children here in the US? If there are thousands of US children who've been saved and are being sheltered somewhere safe, what happens when they finally get to return home? Parents who've thought their children have been dead for years all of a sudden get reunited. Are the democrats and their controlled media going to be able to cover up THOUSANDS of the same stories taking place nationwide at the same exact time? I don't think so.

Remains to be seen. if Q or anyone else starts posting evidence about this and it gets out you will see riots on the streets and vigilantes targeting the evil sick fucks.

You can't have a true total refresh and it be bloodless at the same time. Guess Q-Group is really trying to make it as clean and painless as possible.

Anonymous ID: 440707 Aug. 9, 2018, 10:59 p.m. No.2535530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5702


>People are too dependent on the Matrix.

The Movie was spot on in too many ways. We are essentially no more than batteries, with no choice whether we get to leave and always trapped. Look at majority of the people, drowning in debt, no way to have decent breaks or vacations and all they must do is spend their time and energy and focus on working to survive, to pay bills, to pay interest on every single loan till the day they die.

We already are Duracell batteries, we just didn't really realize it yet. You don't have to be hooked to a machine and physically restrained to still be useful for all the energy and mental power that you have. Forced labor is not efficient laborforce, best workers are those go willingly choose to do their work. We are forced via series of manipulations and disinformations that eliminates our ability to chose any choice at all to spend all of our human energy, focus and years on powering other peoples dreams and money accumulation schemes. And yes, like the Matrix we only get some occasional disaster, catastrophe or news about the evil sick killers here and there. Just enough to set of a few stress hormones and fear responses but not too much, definitely not everything that actually happens in the real world because then…well then everyone really fucking panics.

Anonymous ID: 440707 Aug. 9, 2018, 11:05 p.m. No.2535576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5591 >>5958


Have some mercy you guys. This is going to trigger HRC to go on another drinking binge and followed by her trashing her house. Bill Clinton is nowhere to be seen and probably busy trying to message Q for some help.

Anonymous ID: 440707 Aug. 10, 2018, 12:05 a.m. No.2535984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6107


>you think the public would notice if certain people (true scum)

>like traffickers and pedos were taken out quietly

Chill, everyone notable will get their day in the light. Remember, if you are here believing the same thing that I do, that Q is more than 1 and they all are in it together to brink down some evil sick fucks and they have the full backing and resources of the most amazing MIL in the world.

Have faith and trust in the Q and pray for them. I am not saying that this op will be perfect. But I have confidence and faith that these guys have been around the block, they know their terrain, they've been working on this plan for a while and having said that, these people are masters at adapting to unexpected shit, whenever the shit comes flying and it always does.


Relax skro, its all going to work out great. Believe in this man and project it outward with all your heart and mind. Consider taking the time to get to know God and Jesus Christ and to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and your one and only way to the Almighty God who for some reason takes pity and has infinite love and near infinite grace on us fools.