Did you know that the so-called religion of Judaism permits and condones Child Rape and Murder?
It does.
If you have been reading my posts on this board, you will have seen jews and their minions attack me by resorting to name calling and strawman tactics.
Why don't the deny it, and tell me to prove my accusations?
Because they know that it is true.
As a Christian, it is your duty and responsibility to fight evil in all of its forms.
What could be worse than the rape and murder of innocent, defenseless children? NOTHING!
Do your part to destroy this evil by Boycotting the jew in every aspect of your life. By boycotting all jews you will make it harder for them to kidnap, rape, torture, and murder children.
Boycotting is Easy, Effective, and Peaceful!
Never buy Kosher products. (It is a scam that drives up food prices and financially supports their evil.)
Never do business with a business that is owned or controlled by jews. (Why would any Christian give aid and support to their enemy?)
Never vote for a jew or anyone that supports jew or Israel. (Jews can'r continue to subvert the laws of our nation if they are not in office.)
Spread the Word!
Boycott the jew, starting today.