The problem is people reject reality went told about this. I have tried to red pill people here using local cases and they reacted like Neo when he was told the truth about the Matrix but way worse. I was yelled at as the walked away. They said if it was true the police would be taking care of it and would also be on TV. People are too dependent on the Matrix.
HAL originaly was supposed to be a fembot.
>nobody would ever know
>would spare the public as well
No. No sparing the public, only full disclosure will prevent it from happening again.
They are slowwalking the way into and information blackout before the mid-terms. I think this is what Q meant by "if the lights go out".
>Set the truth free
And be ready to give full amnesty to the population if they choose to go Roman on them.
The eye glasses on the right make her look differant.