>>2535197 (lb)
>>2535222 (lb)
when ppl speak of aliens most often they refer to something coming here that has an origin outside earth
the cosmic boundaries are not of physical distance but differences in vibration/frequency, thats why we cant go to the moon eg in our present bodies, or any other body outside earth
can entities come to earth from other frequencies/vibrations, yes they can. do they? its possible
most likely whatever actual anomalies that occur are caused by phenomena from inside earth, physical travel in space is not possible
so demons, basically the definition of a demon is a person that is envious of God and want to be god hemself, this will be characterised by intense greed and self worship, like the church of satan
beside our physical reality where we encounter demons all day, there is also the subtle or astral or etheral dimension, also ihabited by tons of entities but without a physical body, these generally belong to the category of demons since becoming a ghost (having to live without a physical body) is normally the punishment for committing suicide
its these ghosts that the channelers are connecting to, think law of one, they are tricksters and love to fuckaround with stupid people that are impressed with anything beyond a cup of coffee