Anonymous ID: 5a6aca WARROOM: OPERATION REDNOVEMBER [MIDTERMS] Aug. 10, 2018, 1:04 a.m. No.2536260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7354 >>3557




—All 435 seats of the United States House of Representatives are up for grabs.


— 39 State/territorial Governor elections


—35 (out of 100) United States Senate. 23 of those currently held by DEM


because of the abnormal amount of Republican retirements this year, there are fewer districts where [R] have incumbency advantage.

This puts several states at HIGH RISK of losing the seat to a radical #ResistTrump leftist.


The ONLY WAY Q+/Trump will be able to #DrainTheSwamp and expose the evil, is with cooperation from the State Governors/Senate/Congress.

If states like Michigan lose it's Senate, Governor, AND Congressman vote to 3 #Resist #ImpeachTrump leftist, things will be dramatically postponed,

and the entire rollout of the investigation will have to be sent back to the drawing board.


'This is A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT BEAST from the 'Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump' election.'

MSM coverage will be scarce, and majority of the headlines will be bias based on state/local media.

That means hardly ANYONE will be able to tell you who all is running, most wont even remember what day to go vote.

NOBODY will realize the dems have been working nonstop preparing a coalition of 'progressive' #NeverTrump'ers that plan to outnumber us in our own communities.


The 'official' Twitter account for the average Governor/congressman will hardly get 100-300comments each post,

with just a couple solid redpill memes of impact, it can be a gamechanger to competitive advantage.


think about it.

If we could get several anons designated to each specific State that needs patriot assistance and litter every comment/post that comes from the left with redpills/truthbombs,

(while flooding the MAGA candidates' comments reminding Patriots the importance of showing up to vote),

the #RedWave could be MUCH MORE than ANY OF US can comprehend, and we could make an impact that could literally shape our Nation's future.



Anonymous ID: 5a6aca Aug. 10, 2018, 1:19 a.m. No.2536364   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Special election in Pennsylvania's 18th congressional district following the resignation of Tim Murphy, held on March 13, 2018; won by Conor Lamb (D)

Special election in Arizona's 8th congressional district following the resignation of Trent Franks, held on April 24, 2018; won by Debbie Lesko (R)

Special election in Texas's 27th congressional district following the resignation of Blake Farenthold, held on June 30, 2018; won by Michael Cloud (R)

Special election in Ohio's 12th congressional district following the resignation of Pat Tiberi, held on August 7, 2018.

Special election in Michigan's 13th congressional district following the resignation of John Conyers, to be held on November 6, 2018, coinciding with the regular elections.



Newark, New Jersey: Incumbent mayor Ras J. Baraka was re-elected to a second term with 77.05% of the vote.

Phoenix, Arizona: Thelda Williams is the incumbent and acting mayor after Greg Stanton chose to resign on May 29, 2018, to seek election for the United States Congress.

San Francisco, California (special): London Breed was elected to succeed the deceased mayor Ed Lee.

Washington, D.C.: Incumbent Muriel Bowser (D) is running for reelection.

Nashville, Tennessee: Acting Mayor David Briley won election with 54.47%, avoiding a runoff

Anonymous ID: 5a6aca Aug. 10, 2018, 1:20 a.m. No.2536370   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ted Yoho, FL "really helpful with taxcuts"

Lena Epstein for congress, Michigan "thanks for your support"

Josh Hawley for Senate, Missouri "We need you in Washington"

John James for Senate, Michigan "future STAR of R party"

Bill Schuette for Gov, Michigan

Troy Balderson, Ohio "very special and important race" in congress-opponent controlled by pelosi

Kris Kobach for Gov, Kansas "fantastic" "full and total endorsement"

Brian Kemp for Gov, Georgia

Marsha Blackburn for Senate, Tennessee "great supporter" "will vote for our agenda"

Bill Lee for Gov, Tennessee

Lou Barletta for congress, Pennsylvania "really helping with Steele"

John Barrasso for Senate, Wyoming "doesnt need my help"

David Kustoff, 'Champion of Trump agenda'

Ron DeSantis for Gov, FL

Anon1 ID: 14f9f3 Aug. 10, 2018, 10:11 a.m. No.2539894   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Democratic incumbents in both Minnesota districts are leaving office, and the races to replace them are widely rated as tossups.


“Minnesota is going to be ground zero for control of the House,” said Corry Bliss, director of the Conservative Leadership Fund, a super PAC aligned with House Speaker Paul Ryan.


“It will go a long way to maintaining Republican control of the House, picking up those two seats,” Israel said. “Both sides know that. And that’s why you’re going to see millions of dollars being spent on all those races.”


The GOP now holds three of the state’s eight House seats.


The 8th was once a Democratic bastion thanks to Duluth and the Iron Range, with a large blue-collar workforce drawn to jobs in mining, railroads, shipping and forest products. But declining mining employment and a district boundary that has crept toward the Twin Cities exurbs have turned it into swing territory.

Anonymous ID: c23532 Aug. 10, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.2540070   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Posted this some time back in qr.

County level focus on low percentage areas then focus high percentage.

Map is colorized with legend showing percentage.

County level USA game of RISK. Not a game.

<pic related

VOTL ID: b54ab2 Invitation to Mass Meditation Tomorrow at 9:11 AM UTC Aug. 10, 2018, 6:13 p.m. No.2547345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9537

For those who feel guided there will be a mass meditation tomorrow at the moment of the maximum point of the solar eclipse on August 11th, 2018 at 9:11 AM UTC.


For the automatic time zone conversion for your location please visit the link below:


Here is the link to the voice-guided video for the meditation, there are videos in 30 languages available now:


The Cabal detests mass meditations due to their powerful positive effect on the global consciousness and world events. Please consider sharing this as far as you can in order to amplify the power of the meditation.


Thanks for checking this out everyone!


Victory of the light!

Anonymous ID: 14cbaf Aug. 10, 2018, 8:41 p.m. No.2548988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4624

Any one have some links to voter fraud proof.


I have some looney liberals on the line saying there's only a 100 cases in last 10 yrs

Anonymous ID: 4b7a69 Aug. 10, 2018, 9:28 p.m. No.2549537   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Very interesting list with many names that might surprise you or cause you to re-assess the "all Masons are….." mantra


List of Freemasons (A–D)


List of Freemasons (E–Z)

Anonymous ID: 7390c8 Aug. 11, 2018, 9:53 a.m. No.2554624   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Would be interested in this as well. Before coming here to research was wondering how to prove it and fix our state.

Who to call when you have proof?

Who to call when you suspect?

FEC requires proof, and documentation from what I could find.