Message to Scott Adams
Dear Scott,
My wife and I often enjoy listening to your show, but we also have been enjoying following Q posts since early November. I stopped listening to your lecture (Scott Adams teaches you how to know the truth about Q) after about 22 minutes because I couldn't bare to watch you dig such a big hole for yourself knowing that eventually you will have a difficult time crawling out of it.
While I agree with and appreciate your concerns about the dangers of “cults”, Q (for me anyway) is not a “cult leader”. I don’t presume to speak for other Q followers, but I suspect that most would agree that one of the strongest appeals of Q is that he encourages us to think for ourselves as opposed to being spoon fed by false authority figures, such as the “mockingbirds” of the corporate media. You know, the well polished drones who receive their talking point marching orders by twitter at 4 AM each day (Thank you Q). Your blind faith that these folks sitting in their city high rises can accurately dissociate fact from opinion and function as free agents in the pursuit of “Truth” had my wife and I laughing uncontrollably with tears streaming down our faces. That was a good one! Thanks for the gut wrenching laughter.
But, getting back to Q, he encourages us to think for ourselves, expand our thinking, and most importantly to TRUST ourselves. These simple values, along with his strong love for humanity and belief in “free will” are what attracted me to his posts in the first place.
Because he told us early on that 'disinformation was real and necessary', that many of his posts were not meant for us, and that he was not going to disclose classified information, I take the predictive significance of each new post initially with a grain of salt. At the very least, Q's posts have entertainment value, but more often Q uses the Socratic Method to have us think and ask questions about publicly available information that those in the MSM will not discuss.
At a deeper metaphysical level, for me anyway, Q represents the latest resurrection of the “American hero”, an archetype personified by a virtuous, anonymous patriot. Like the “unknown soldier”, such mythological heroes, by their very nature represent a set of transcendent ideals that can never be fully articulated by words. However, Q's emphasis on the importance of personal discernment can not be over stated in the world we live in today.
best regards,