Anonymous ID: 0156e5 Aug. 10, 2018, 10:04 a.m. No.2539809   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sorry if this has already been covered, but the structure of this drop:


Looks like a network diagram, where items enclosed in "[]" denote entities while "←>" define the relations between them.


The "[[]]" looks like it defines "entities within entities/organizations" ([DNI [JC]]), while lines like ←——–(CS)——-→ appear to be "labeled" relationships.


I think each line in the drop represents a layer in the hierarchy, and that the "^^^" characters indicate hierarchical relationships (which implies that <-represents lateral relationships). I suspect that the number of "^" characters represents the weight/strength of the relation (maybe the same is true of the length of the <-> indicators)


The drop as a whole looks like Neo4J's Cypher graph query language, which led me to these conclusions. I haven't used it in a few years, so not sure if things like "^^" are valid or if they just serve to represent the hierarchical relations.


This would be very easy to represent in a spreadsheet with a single-columned table representing entities, and a two-columned table representing the relationships, or in a desktop tool like Gephi.