as in Q reference ‘Nellie Ohr used to work on the Farm’
refers to Langley Farm, McLean Virginia.
“The Farm” and “Langley” are nicknames for the CIA.
Langley is French “L’Anglai” for the English. It refers to an English Abbey owned by the Langley farm family the “Lee’s” as in Robt E Lee etc.
Calling CIA “Langley” is also an inside joke in that UK /Britain (as in U.K. spy Steele) still believes they “own” USA through activities of the CIA. “Virginia” was named for Queen E/Lizzie the first who started the original govt spy network —remember spymasters Walsingham, Cecil and Lizzie’s main toy boy Dudley? All with their own spy networks.
Look where U.K. spy Steele and FBI plant Halper hook up - “Hakluyt Club” in London. Sir Hakluyt was Queen Lizzie’s prime propagandist. He pushed the “Virginia” colony idea. VA still a “commonwealth” as in UK owned, NOT a Republic.
Queen Lizzie was red haired which Gene code clue that takes her DNA trail back to Khazaria in today’s Russia, home of the Ashkenazi “Jews”. Not real Jews, actually Turks who were forced to choose a religion by the Tzar, guess which one they chose?