Anonymous ID: 2bf8f4 Aug. 10, 2018, 11:23 a.m. No.2540983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1253 >>1720



Pro-attack disguised as "amateur". Think Concern Troll On Steroids.


Analysis shows he's deliberately targeting psychodynamics of the supposed "QAnon" average profile, based on traffic. Appeal to History, Law, Authority, Reason, and Logic all couched in terms of an intervention in violence.


The worry that "I think Q might incite you to violence" is to both plant the seed that could be used in later prosecutions and investigations, and an attempt to dissuade mobs with torches and pitchforks reacting "hastily" to incoming revelations.


Look who he says Q is: essentially a basement nerd larping us all. Despite the fact that Q has sustained scrutiny from some of the most skeptical autists on the planet for nine months without inconsistency.


As pro attacks go, I give it a B+, mostly for originality. But it was planted just a bit too conveniently after the CF drops.