Welp, there it is folks. Q is defending the voter id laws. That tells any thinking anon what they need to know.
Q is a larp is a limited hangout to distract you all from the valid criticisms of Qteam/Trump.
Q: "they want you divided by party"
Q: proceeds to be the most partisan motherfucker around
Yes, everyone who criticizes Q is a shill. Doesn't matter if they have facts or logic. Shill! REEE. Clowing Clowns!
same old bullshit retorts
I love all these neckbeards attacking me.
I'm a patriot. USMC combat vet. Served under Mattis. I follow the evidence to the truth, no matter how ugly it is…
Many indicators are pointing to Q being genuine (attacks on Trump from deep state real to a certain degree)
Many indicators are pointing to Q being a zionist-data-psyop ala cambridge analytica (probably just the continuation of Trumps campaign)
The longer it goes on, the more I think Qteam is are religionfag neocons who are absolutely out of their depth in this big game.
This makes the situation even more dangerous, because if Q doesn't fully grasp the enemy, (and its not a zio-psyop), that means Q will be easily manipulated due to their religion/partisanfaggery.
I love all these neckbeards attacking me.
I'm a patriot. USMC combat vet. Served under Mattis. I follow the evidence to the truth, no matter how ugly it is…
Many indicators are pointing to Q being genuine (attacks on Trump from deep state real to a certain degree)
Many indicators are pointing to Q being a zionist-data-psyop ala cambridge analytica (probably just the continuation of Trumps campaign)
The longer it goes on, the more I think Qteam is are religionfag neocons who are absolutely out of their depth in this big game.
This makes the situation even more dangerous, because if Q doesn't fully grasp the enemy, (and its not a zio-psyop), that means Q will be easily manipulated due to their religion/partisanfaggery.
I'll give you guys a good example of critical thinking that out to get more traction but gets shouted down.
So I started digging into past presidents, in particular during their campaigns compared to after election. A general truism I came to understand is that (((they))), the shadow gov, the deep state, etc, mostly control a POTUS through their cabinet appointments.
For example, wikileaks revealed Obama basically was told by Citigroup et al who to appoint… and he did.
So I theorize we can discover truths by analyzing Trumps cabinet.
Well, would you take a look at that…
of course, stating facts must make me a glowing clowfag shill…
you know… the ostrich burying his head in the sand doesn't stop the lion from eating it…