..Anon out from under a rock - sorry if this KM crumb was solved already~
BAKER BAKER!! Pic Related/ Please add: re “KM?”
KM likely is possibly aka Kati Marton – repost below: (Prior Noteables) DIG MOAR ANONS—
Re: Hypothesis – “KM” = possibly refers to (*see earlier Q digs “follow the wives”) Kati Marton – - Kati Marton second generation Cabal Kati Marton links to Gannett, Albright, Clintons,and others. Widow of Richard Holbrooke, her 3rd husband. – one or both parents possible C_A Assets..
2n Gen Nazi offspring/Clinton Cabal insider
Committee to Protect Journalists. Visiting Scholar at Columbia University as well as a Gannett Fell.)
– also: International Center for Transitional Justice Company - www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/relationship.asp?personId=267490&privcapId=6411361&previousCapId=0&previousTitle=Local%20Media%20Group%2C%20Inc. & https://www.pinterest.com/pin/143200463123412367/
Kati Marton - widow of diplomat Richard Holbrooke, M 1994.
https://www.vault.fbi.gov/richard-charles-holbrooke/richard-charles-holbrooke-part-01-of-01/view (see pg 570-580) re:pay for play / Mad. Albright to the rescue. No charges under FBI Under Dir louis freeh – see current bio wikipedia google.) previously married to Peter Jennings –ABC NEWS div 1993. – 2 sons.
Re: Project SAFEHAVEN –Marton backstory.
Arrived USA via “project Safehaven” Married to1.)Carroll R Wetzel Jr – China Expert
2.)Peter Jennings 3.) Richard Holbrooke
(1: WETZEL links >NOTE MUELLER ref
a.)Schools and Libraries - Trenton Historical Society, New Jersey www.trentonhistory.org/His/Schools.htmlnbToday the old building and a part of the adjacent Carroll Robbins School accommodate …. … Dr. Wetzel ardently advocated the plan, while Herman C. Mueller, then president ….. She afterward becameb.)https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1351696106
Frederick C Teiwes - 2017 - Art
See Carroll Robbins Wetzel Jr.,
https://books.google.com/books?isbn=0930852435Glen Yeadon - 2008 - Political Science
The so-called economic miracle of the 1950s came from the same money the Nazis looted from Europe in the 1940s.16 From the beginning, Safehaven was an ambitious project with several goals, including immediately forcing the neutral countries to stop trading with the Nazis.
The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century - Wall Street and the Rise of the Fourth Reich by Glen Yeadon
Published: December 24, 2011 – Exposes how US elitists launched Hitler, then recouped Nazi assets to lay the postwar foundations of a modern police state, complete with controlled corporate media. Fascists won WWII because they ran both sides. "A valuable history of the relationship between big business in the United States and European fascism.. Exposes how US elitists launched Hitler, then recouped Nazi assets to lay the postwar foundations of a modern police state, complete with controlled corporate media. Fascists won WWII because they ran both sides. "A valuable history of the relationship between big business in the United States and European fascism…The story is shocking and sobering and deserves to be widely read."–
Among those transported 1957 to the US as part of PROJECT SAFEHAVEN were parents (Spies?) MARTON and their daughters, (Biolgical?) 11 year-old Julia Marton, (B1946) & Katia Marton. 10 ( b 1947) eventually settling in Maryland.
Kati Marton
SPOUSE: Peter Jennings (– longtime ABC/CBS news/Media personality Div 1994 – 2 children)
Kati Marton SPOUSE: Richard Holbrooke – MAJOR CLINTON CABAL ASSOCIATE (see wikileaks, and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Holbrooke
HOLBROOKE DEATH (same hospital as SR??) Death[edit]
On December 11, 2010, Holbrooke was admitted to George Washington University Hospital in Washington after falling ill at the State Department's headquarters.[52] While there, he underwent twenty hours of surgery (TWENTY HOURS????)to fix an aortic dissection, a rare condition.[53]
Holbrooke died on December 13, 2010, from complications of the torn aorta ***(SEE WIKIEAKS CLINTON EMAILS ALSO)
Before he married Marton, he was involved in a longstanding relationship with the broadcast journalist Diane Sawyer HOLBROOKE/ALBRIGHT/BILDT connection: together with former Swedish prime minister Carl Bildt, brokered a peace agreement among the warring factions in Bosnia that led to the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords, in 1995 DURING CLINTON TRANSITION TEAM – Holbrooke married KATIA MARTON. (1995)(H.R. 450 - Regulatory Transition Act of 1995. William J. Clinton …)
Holbrooke was a leading contender to Secretary of State but was passed over in 1996 as President Bill Clinton chose Madeleine Albright instead – was Kati his Consolation Prize from Albright??? (Above section a repost) replying to:
>>475606 (Very OLD bread) #WeOriginalTrueQAnon #VictimNoMoar)