Anonymous ID: 6c95ea Aug. 10, 2018, 1:29 p.m. No.2543657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3765 >>3909 >>4066

Giants Causeway pic last bread


O’Brien defended the decision to build the Marriott. He was quoted as saying: “If you want to get foreign investors to come down to Haiti, they want to stay in branded hotel. They want to stay in comfort environment. And they want to have the place to have meetings.”


Fora attempted to contact a spokesman for O’Brien but had received no request for comment at the time of publication.


O’Brien and Digicel are large donors to the Clinton foundation. According to the Clinton Foundation’s website, Denis O’Brien and Digicel were together one of 17 donors to contribute between $10 million and $25 million to the organisation.

Anonymous ID: 6c95ea Aug. 10, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.2544032   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Strsight from the horses' mouth…


First off, there was the secrecy. The memo—by a Clinton, with a master’s in public health from Columbia University, pursuing a doctorate in international relations from Oxford and with a prominent role at her family’s foundation—would have obliterated the public narrative of helpful outsiders saving grateful earthquake survivors that her mother’s State Department was working so hard to promote. Instead, like so much of the inner workings of the Clintons’ vast network, it was kept secret, released only in an ongoing dump of some 35,000 emails from Hillary’s private server, in response to a Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit wrapped up in the politics of the 2016 presidential election.


Nextpage, BIlly and Clow linked junta blurb


The former president also loved to apologize for his own past actions—destructive food policies which flooded the Haitian market with cheap Arkansas rice, and ordering a crippling embargo that destroyed the Haitian economy during the reign of a 1990s military junta (some of whose members had been on the CIA payroll).