Anonymous ID: 3d6f63 Aug. 10, 2018, 2:26 p.m. No.2544575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4719 >>4806

>>2541503 lb


To those who wish they could do more.


Ultimately, what POTUS is trying to do (along with Q and council of wizards and warlocks) is MAGA, but it's not just the most fantastic intelligence operation ever seen, it's a war to take back the country from the deep state. The bottom line is that the people truly do have the power and that power is just as much the power to do what is right as it is the power to ruin everything.


The people of the US need to be awakened and dragged out of their never-never land matrix that the MSM has convinced them is reality. As Q has stated, some percentage are lost forever, but the vast majority can be saved.


Those who have been around since November or December of last year have seen Q's message go through different phases, but the fact is, the chans were chosen as the location of choice to get the message out. I've heard lots of anons try and explain why, but I'll give you a different take on it.


When we look at the population, we must consider that the vast, vast majority of them are successful products of the American school system. That system was designed and intended to dumb down the children, because the industrial titans of the day were desperate for a compliant workforce in their factories. In fact, back in the 1930's, the big fear was of overproduction and the desire was for a "socialized" nation of consumers- not producers.


The nations school system (industry) is working as designed and intended. For newfags, read "The Underground History of American Education" by John Taylor Gatto to get started and "Weapons of Mass Instruction" (same author) for more detail on the techniques.


Several thousand years ago Aristotle wrote about dialectic and rhetoric and things haven't changed much, except that with our dumbed down population we have a problem. Dialectic is facts, evidence, testimony, logic and reason. So, if you're the kind of anon who wants specific sauce with details, you're looking for dialectic and don't want rhetoric.


Unlike the autists, about 95% of the population cannot be persuaded by dialectic, they respond only to emotional appeals, which is rhetoric. Rhetoric is designed to sway the emotions. A graphic of Pepe the frog is an example of a rhetorical device. Keep in mind, the most powerful of the emotions is shame. Shaming rhetoric hits hard and it hurts.


Those of us "on the spectrum" are generally viewed as failures of the school system because we weren't properly socialized, and by virtue of being on the spectrum, we respond very well to dialectical argument. WE want facts, evidence, testimony, logic and reason. However, trolling is a lot of fun and quite a few of the anons have the ability to be persuaded by dialectic and then create rhetorical memes which then have a great impact on the normies.


In other words, the chans have a large repository of people who can be persuaded by dialectic and are capable of then pounding out the message in rhetorical memes that have an impact on the rest of the population. I can't think of any other place Q could have gone to get what has been achieved here.


Additionally, given the issues of dealing with classified information and the laws pertaining to its dissemination, Q has had to adopt a Socratic form of teaching which consists of asking questions rather than making statements. I think for many of us the Q research boards have been the greatest online gaming experience we've ever had. Because it isn't a game.


Having said that, those who have been here for the long haul and have the ability to digest the dialectic and spit out the edgy rhetorical memes, you're needed. Badly. It's a skillset that's limited to only a small percentage of the population.


This post has already run long, but I'll also say to those who are constantly bitching to see arrests or something major happen, get over your ego because this isn't about your personal gratification. Shit will happen when the time is right and not until then. And that 95% of the population that can't deal with dialectic? The vast majority are still within the grasp of the MSM. It's true, the dam has cracks and we've become mainstream, but that doesn't mean the power of the MSM has been broken.


Well-crafted rhetorical memes are currently the most powerful weapons available to us as well as being the most effective. Ask questions the MSM can't answer. Shame the normies for their mainstream belief in the rainbow-farting unicorn narrative that the MSM has been selling to them. A well-crafted meme that goes viral will do more than you can imagine and the talent to produce them is definitely here.


So, part of Q's army? Shut up and soldier. The reward will be worth it.