Anonymous ID: 6d96d6 Aug. 10, 2018, 2:27 p.m. No.2544581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4599 >>4616 >>4650 >>4708 >>4796

Here is an explaination for ConcernFags.


As BO pointed out, why would Q keep using the same type of tripcode, when you can use a double, or even triple secure one.


He has used the first level one since this started.


One where the password could be hacked after a period of time.


Patriots fight board is locked to Q, and only Q can post on it. Using a password/system, which cannot be hacked.

CM helped Q set it up.

also Code monkey can see if its same id / ip address


Just like BO can tell when Q posts here, if it matchs the same ones he has used since beginning( Q has multiple devices)


The reason Q never went to a more secure system of tripcode, was because he was using it as bait.


Hence the semi super easy passowrds he was using, the most simplist being used for last trip code,, the weareQ@Q.


Q used simple passwords on purpose to bait the clowns, and expose where their operations are,( black op clown site)

so the good guys were prepared, and can track them to their headquarters( shill central)


The good guys knew they would do this type of attack, ( with the added Q is a larp blog about the tripcodes) and then the clowns in media like Jack , then push the blog story to try to further divide.


This is the whole reason why Q never went to the more secure type of tripcode( to trace and find the clowns attacking us, the ones who would be the ones to hack & use the tripcode)

Anonymous ID: 6d96d6 Aug. 10, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.2544650   🗄️.is 🔗kun




BO can see the ip address on this board only, Q research.


Only Cm can see the ip address on Patriots fight, and CM can see the ip 's here as well, because he is the 8chan Admin.