Anonymous ID: a511af Aug. 10, 2018, 2:06 p.m. No.2544263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4321


>>2543962 pb


You asked for sauce for the Haiti container notable.

Sauce is thin, as one would expect. I've included the link to the article below.


It goes on that Catholic Charities is working on AIDS hospitals and getting them back up and running and that seems 'stoopid' when the immediate need is of life-saving urgency.


There was a post a while back about AIDS being delivered to 3rd world nations in blood supplies. Does this article link to all that?



''Just a typo?

Note: Unloading containers, then MOVING containers (off the dock).


Other CRS personnel worked to unload a rare site in Port-au-Prince—a ship that docked at the one working berth in the heavily-damaged harbor. It carried 2,100 metric tons of food from the USAID Food for Peace program. Getting these containers, mainly filled with grain and vegetable oil, off the dock and to warehouses along the city’s devastated roadways is the next challenge. “It may look to many in the rest of the world that those in need are not receiving any aid, but actually thousands here in Port-au-Prince have gotten help. ''