Anonymous ID: afb599 Aug. 10, 2018, 2:05 p.m. No.2544246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4672

>>2544106 (pb)


I think it has divided unfortunately. There are too many valid issues that have been completely ignored or shouted down that most of the real oldschool anons I know went back to irc. (webboards are too easy for the plebs to takeover enmasse)


It took the initial wave of uniting and threw it away by slow walking BIG DROPS that ended up not being nearly as big as claimed and were noticeably partisan (despite the unpartisan Q message)


I don't know if Qteam is zio or not. I follow the evidence, and there are many indicators that it is. There are many indicators also that say qteam is genuine as well. But multiple posts repeatedly indicate religionfaggery and partisanfaggery to the point that my main conclusion is that qteam are neocons (which are played by the zionists) So honestly I think Q is geniune but WAY OUT OF THEIR DEPTH IN THIS BIG GAME


Q is a larp claims are limited hangout manipulation techniques.


As for Trump, analysis of his cabinet shows it chock full of neocons and zionists.


What I meant about the brass comment is that we are like a hammer and nail problem. You don't send Marines in to think big thoughts about hearts and minds. We close with and destroy the enemy by fire and close combat. Generals are very much an extension of this, which is why I think it is important to have a CIVILIAN LEADER commanding the armed forces. Indicators do not show me Trump has even a modicum of a good grasp on the big picture war-geopolitics… and is likely just going along with whatever the NSC says.


Also, if Q is legit… that means IT HAS TO BE NSC APPROVED.


I spent a long time being a hard charger… but it wasn't till I got out I realized I had not been using my brain. If we allow ourselves to be guided into wars (I fear an Iran war something fierce) by the zionists posing as "our saviors" then we didn't "save the world"…


we just served as the zionists pawns ONCE AGAIN!


Good idea on the sun though, taking a break.


Vote me 2020.