Anonymous ID: d652c2 Aug. 10, 2018, 2:59 p.m. No.2545056   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5093

Trying to get legs under this Willow Creek thing. I pray it's not true but the possibilities seem endless. Note that on the bottom I have added two stories in recent years where Pedo shit has happened. Not so far out of reach now, especially when Q always says there are no coincidences so I've been posting about Bill Hybels from Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington, Outside of Chicago for some time now. He resigned in April due to some sexual inappropriateness allegations.It never seems to get much traction here though. Well in the news here today, the New Lead Pastor as well as Elders resigned too. This story just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I am afraid that this story is going to continue to grow, too many coincidences in Church Membership, Guest Speakers, activities and [Charity work] in third world countries across the Globe. Don't forget their ties to U2/Bono, Oprah, Hussein and HRC and WJC!!!

Willow Creek Elders and Pastor Heather Larson Resign over Bill Hybels

Heather Larson moved to Chicago in 1998 for her Job working for the Red Cross though there seems to be confusion wheter she was in PR or Disaster Relief.


Donโ€™t forget this:

Volunteer at Willow Creek molested boy with special needs in 2013

Ex-church volunteer charged in 2nd child sex abuse case

Robert Sobczak, 20, has admitted he molested an 8-year-old boy at the Willow Creek Church in northwest suburban Barrington.

Men Sue South Barrington Church, Allege Sex Abuse By Employee

The complaint, filed Thursday under the aliases John Doe and Joe Doe, claims Brian Wongkamalasai, 30, sexually abused the two men beginning in 2009 when they were 16 and 14 years old and Wongkamalasai was 22.