Anonymous ID: 914753 Aug. 10, 2018, 4:16 p.m. No.2545970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5983 >>6034 >>6146 >>6345

I have been bingewatching:

"Full monologue: Donald Trump roasts Hillary Clinton at Al Smith charity dinner" since Q posted the link.

This is EPIC stuff.

I don't have many heros, never had many, most didn't last long.

Trump wasn't one until he decided to run for president. So far he still is and his aura is growing. Love the man and his spirit.

The only speaker that comes close for me in quality of speech, jokes and truthfulness is George Carlin in his Press Club speech.

A must if you don't know that one.

Anyway, first time I have it for an American leader, but it's a good one.

I am what you could call a non denominational believer and I pray for DJT every day.

And I am not even American.

His is a presidency the world has never seen the like of before.

It will be talked of for centuries to come, I have not the slightest doubt.

DJT has joined the pantheon of mythical figures and has done so in his lifetime and that in itself is rather unique.

Anonymous ID: 914753 Aug. 10, 2018, 4:40 p.m. No.2546218   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That guy was very interested in the reactions of other guests, you could see the uneasy trepidation as he was on screen much of the time.

The guy is very impressed with his titles/medals, that's for sure, and he is on a mission to try and impress us with same. Big fail so far.