Anonymous ID: b73f35 Aug. 10, 2018, 4 p.m. No.2545774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5893 >>6068

'I dont think it really matters to Q if pw is hacked or not; you can quickly tell if the message is inconsistent or not.'



I did not consider possibility Q would also use it as a lure; very interesting.


Q's explanation for sig "Q" and DOE reference was written a long time ago. It is not an ad hoc explanation;


So removing myself from bias either direction; from the fact that I want to believe; I re-looked the passages here from pastebin message.



Q's explanation for sig "Q" and DOE reference was written a long time ago. It is not an ad hoc explanation.


The critcism of Q's password has more to do with the structure of DES and chans than it does with Q


Take a look at this:

" I'm scared for my country, and I am especially scared for you good people who look to this space for guidance. I have seen how my folks are suffering. No one has money. Half of my family is suffering from issues relating to drug abuse. Honest work is getting hard to find for the ill-connected. I see the accomplishments of my parents and grandparents and wonder how so many of my generation are barely holding on, fighting hard to stay in the middle class.


Ways of life that have existed for a century are vanishing, often because of decisions made via algorithms whose inner workings cannot be comprehended by any single living human being. The world is shifting away under our feet, largely due to inscrutable forces with no historical parallel. Change is everywhere and can be sourced to nowhere. Sneering elites in government and the media look down on us and assure us that this is all our fault. It is difficult to know who to trust."


Look at "scared" "suffering" "no one has money" "drugs"

"vanishing" "untraceable algorithms"


^Does this sound like a message of hope?

Looks like fear more than optimism; it also looks like its putting (you) back into a 'box'


the first part was an appeal to your frustrations and then direct (or misdirect) you.

I… feel like I detected a subtle jab at Q at 'untraceable and unaccountable algorithms' etc @ 'we run the world B**ch' etc.


Because I dont feel that way and I hope you dont feel that way; [they] DONT run the world without our consent, and when WE are AWAKE they must fight for it.


So this is another way to look at the pastebin post; it is definitely challenging and my mind is open on the question either way; I wanted any anons who immediately went to LARP to think of the above and think also of the things seen since 10/28 @


"protect 6/14-46" CLEAN ACTION APPROVED

and many others.


No matter the outcome; Q made a community, and that community has become

"We are Q"


signal to trend pw? ::




Boat may rock, but it wont sink!

Lighthouse and horizon await.


Anonymous ID: b73f35 Aug. 10, 2018, 4:05 p.m. No.2545833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5846


thats cool; I saw that too


[im pointing out the fact , that anyone on (this) side of the line is useful, will be made useful by the link]

Anonymous ID: b73f35 Aug. 10, 2018, 4:16 p.m. No.2545962   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I really appreciated your thought-provoking response?


anything else or are you a one trick pony?



heres a PARABLE and a syllogy

All soldiers train to fight the enemy

Some soldiers fight better than others

Some soldiers have the full picture.

Some soldiers dont like each other.

Some soldiers think other soldiers are liars, not as good, or pompous fakes.

Soldiers are assigned to different departments, missions, ranks, and are afforded different clearances based on mission deemed appropriate (by varying levels of competence.)

All soldiers are mandated to ship out when the order comes.


All are true


Do all soldiers fight the 'enemy?' Do they all ship out together?


Now stfu and eat some almonds, get to work cupcake.

Anonymous ID: b73f35 Aug. 10, 2018, 4:28 p.m. No.2546068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6122




relooked Q posts … so no matter what you think about the person(s), Ive high confidence that is the same person we've been watching, discussing, talking to.


'I dont think it really matters to Q if pw is hacked or not; you can quickly tell if the message is inconsistent or not.'


Anonymous ID: b73f35 Aug. 10, 2018, 4:49 p.m. No.2546329   🗄️.is 🔗kun




yeah anon…


Like I said the tone of pastebin message was…


well it was fucking bleak, like an outsiders attempt to persuade and then direct you to the message…


fuck off with 'unaccountable algorithms' etc.


Super secure tripcode… im not so sure about that and I think this event proves it doesnt matter. Q could practically post a detailed message as an anon and wed know if it was the same poster or not.


"You know them by their works."


Ive had probs with syria strikes and ive got healthy doubts. Im not in cognitive dissonance; im pointing out what im seeing from the important angles…


I dont know too much about all those mods, and dont care, because if that was true it would still be OUR movement.


Im still impressed by Q drops @ALL CARDS on the Table.

Anonymous ID: b73f35 Aug. 10, 2018, 4:58 p.m. No.2546453   🗄️.is 🔗kun


my 2nd look notes that this paragraph misses the point.


basically its a criticism of DES and Chan tripcodes but not Q


Now you could argue why Q would utilize chans as a media negatively; but the author didnt bother to do that,


And so people who immediately went to Larp should re-look it.


Because we have good arguments for an anonymous source using chans + the obvious point that


Its an anonymous bored.


Persuasive arguments that are honest would address these 'holes' and if not discussed would acknowledge them; this author didnt.
