Anonymous ID: e5e6d2 Aug. 10, 2018, 4 p.m. No.2545776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5851

>>2545553 (lb)

>A day that thankful Vet will never forget.


Nor I. It's pretty clear now that POTUS gets a portion of the spiritual strength to continue directly from the People.. He loves being physically with his base, no matter where he is in the country. It's Captain Obvious level evident in all of his dealings with the citizenry-at-large, at this point.


It's why [they] tried to quarantine him off from the people early on.


It's why they tried to procedurally get control of his comms. Think about that.


[They] were (publicly, even) trying to gain control of POTUS's comms, before Q even came on the scene in Oct 2017. ''That's because [they] were starting to be aware of the reality of the Plan, and POTUS wasn't bluffing!''