I have muh tapes to prove it…
As if (((they))) would've waited this long for the tape to come out.
when the cabal calls you stupid.
Newspaper wants (((4AM talking points))) to become more public.
Kamala Harris this election was all about just blaming Trump.
I think Trump gave her the benefit of the doubt. She was there trying to exploit it. But not for long.
Hmmm…makes sense. I mean, she and her mother would know a thing or two about abortions…
Or she herself knew it was a useless, worthless, useless - cunt of a bill that was waste of her and everybody else's time.
OMG No fuckin way shizer!!!
Oh let's silence the GOP ads now…!
Hmmm, let's see …conservatives that have partially or fully banned from social media
1) Diamond & Silk
2) Alex Jones
3) Laura Ingraham
4) Ron Paul
5) Roger Stone
6) Michael Savage
7) Gavin McGuinnes
8) Roseanne
Silenced from public speaking
9) Milo
10) Ben Shapiro
Anyone from the left met with similar fate? I don't think so.
Remember that broadway show which showed Trump-like figure getting assasinated. Remember how CNN defended it as free speech?
Michael Savage, Milo, Ben Shapiro, Mike Cernovitch, Steve Pzeicenik are all Jews?
Sorry friend - what do you propose, lurk on the internet and fart more?
Trudeau swallowed more than he can chew…
Hi Canuck
a number of people or things in a more or less straight line.
"her villa stood in a row of similar ones"
synonyms: line, column, file, cordon; More
a line of seats in a theatre.
"they sat in the front row"
synonyms: tier, line, rank, bank
"the middle row of seats"
a street with a continuous line of houses along one or both of its sides.
"he lives at Jimmy Saville Row"
Les rats ont des droits, s'il vous plaît!