Anonymous ID: 5097d5 Aug. 10, 2018, 5:38 p.m. No.2546967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2545812 CF's Fish Farms in Haiti's Rural Communities

>>2546191 lb

Correction: Croix des-Bouquets halfway btw Port-au-Prince & Lake Azuei. CF & Caribbean Harvest still working in villages around Lake Azuei.



“The Haitian government does not control the traffic on the lake where the trafficked minors pass through,” said Antoine, adding he doesn’t know the exact number of victims of trafficking at the border.

For his part, Haitian Migration Inspector Edwidge Laguerre says he is aware of acts of smuggling and trafficking, but admits that he is unable to act because these operations are carried out on the lake, a place not controlled by immigration.

“Some Haitian border areas don’t have an immigration control point. This benefits the traffickers. “

Antoine reveals that the favorite prey of traffickers are children ranging from 8 to 16, and women. He notes other border issues, particularly those concerning the alarming violence and continuing tension between the inhabitants of the two sides of the island.


“The lake is used by Haitian-Dominican trafficking networks to get Haitian children into the neighboring republic,”

Anonymous ID: 5097d5 Aug. 10, 2018, 5:42 p.m. No.2547016   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As was noted,

>let people come to their own conclusions.

Thanks for sharing yours. Sure we'll be hearing a similar explanation all over twatter this weekend.