Anonymous ID: 5ea976 Aug. 10, 2018, 5:04 p.m. No.2546518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6585

Sarah Westall interview with Wayne Jett, economist, author of "The Fruits of Graft"

Discussing: the Fed – Aug 2, 2018

part 1:

part 2:

Jetts webpage:


(If you can get past Westall's dumb interruptions)-

this is a good history of fiat currency, the price of gold,

and how the Fed sucks money from the people, and who took part in it.


– "they know when to short the market"

– "allowed them to avoid the uptick rule to crash the tech market in 2000-2002"

– "they sold fake shares by the millions to force the crash"

– "it's more profitable for them to have a crash than to have slow economic growth"

– "the crash of 2008 was orchestrated purposely"

– "sent $17 Trillion to banks around the world"

Part 2 - to reset the Fed, the cabal must be destroyed

– discusses Israel, Khazarian claiming rights of Hebrews = Rothschild = predators

– NK = the power of the elites had to be broken to even talk to NK

– if the trip to Singapore was to retrieve gold, it would put U.S. in better position for a reset

– evidence to prosecute important people will be revealed, will shock/horrify the people

– #walkaway is important, but both parties have been co-opted

– military trials = in times of war there isn't time to trifle w/ conspiring actors

– many are not acclimated to what they will be exposed to

– "I see lots of evidence that Trump is doing things (for the good, breaking power of elites)"

– thankful for the Q movement



Westall: "Describe why the Fed in its current structure is not acceptable…"


"Let's look at the Federal Reserve in its simplest form. It's a private corporation. It's privately owned. It's owned in proportion to the - like the banks - in proportion to the amount of capital they have within their own private bank. That means that -uh - the majority ownership of the Federal Reserve is in the Wall Street banks, and specifically about 55% or so of it is owned by Rothschild banks. So, it is a private institution that is authorized by Federal Law, U.S. law, to provide the only currency, using the United States as legal tender for all debts public and private."


Westall: "And why is that a problem."


Jett: "Well, let me put it this way. I think the proper way to look at the Federal Reserve and its position in the United States is to regard it as 'the outpost and central institution of a foreign alien power that has conquered and controls our government from the outside. It is a foreign instrument within the United States that has complete power over our money and it abuses that power in such a way as to essentially strip the value of the products and labor of the people of the United States, and… everybody worldwide now, that uses the dollar."



Jett's article:

TRUMPING THE FED — What Will It Mean?

By Wayne Jett © July 26, 2018

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System presently has three members. The chairman and vice-chairman of the Board are appointees of President Trump. The third sitting governor was appointed in 2014. Four vacancies exist on the seven-member board, which President Trump plans to fill soon. The president’s appointees already have control of the Fed board. But POTUS will add board members to assist in the work to be done, which includes a currency reset and ending the Fed.



One of President Trump’s challenges is to put America into a new, stable money system that will be acceptable – even admired – by the rest of the world. Doing that will require first doing two things. First, moving the U. S. foreign trade current account towards balance (exports value equals imports value), on which he is progressing very well.


Secondly, he must recover as much of the stolen assets of the U. S. government as possible, including gold taken from Ft. Knox, trillions of dollars embezzled through government accounts, and trillions more in graft taken by government officials. These last-mentioned items are targets of the presidential executive order effective December 21, 2017, which declared a national emergency arising from human trafficking and corruption (freezing all assets of parties involved in such activities).


Bottom Line

These very considerable challenges are better confronted with a Federal Reserve Board of Governors appointed by President Trump. Financial events with both historic importance and immediate risk are ahead in the near future. The Plan to master our challenges appears to be on course, but be prepared for bumps in the road. Those to be dethroned from positions of power will try to make the process as painful for us as possible. But most of the pain from this time forward is to run in their direction.

Anonymous ID: 5ea976 Aug. 10, 2018, 5:49 p.m. No.2547103   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Only the tapes can tell.

Omarosa Manigault-Newman sowed confusion Friday, claiming she once heard a tape of President Trump using the “N-Word” even though her own tell-all book says otherwise.