Anonymous ID: 6d2b4f Aug. 10, 2018, 5:04 p.m. No.2546514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6532

A gift,


Q posts contain NO ‘state secrets,’ classified information or anything that could be deemed by any stretch of the imagination secret… ‘secrets’ hidden in plain sight would be a better description. So the questions that are swirling around to discredit Q with regard to Q not possibly being real because posting classified information or handling classified information on the chans would be in contravention to ‘good practice’ is a truly silly question/argument. These sorts of questions would come about with the admission that there IS classified/secret information/data being dropped and hence Q by inference is automatically real. If Q was posting ‘state secrets’ you can be sure the consequences of that would be severe. How could a ‘state secrete’ be validated? What corroborative evidence would be publicly available? You can be sure practically none. This issue is an exercise in logic. You can also be sure really sensitive info/data doesn’t escape. No one in the know wants to give up the ghost.


As far as the use of the chans to communicate an information war it’s a secure a place as any that’s public and anonymous. What alternatives remain? Think about that for a moment.


So, the question still remains does Q have access to POTUS and a Q or similar clearance?


Also, with regard to Q clearance, there are [very few] publicly available but [of course] non-verifiable sources that would make a Q clearance rather spectacular in what access it gives. But that’s not really so important.


Sincerely… autists engage!