Anonymous ID: 8b4395 Did I dream these videos? Aug. 10, 2018, 5:58 p.m. No.2547186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7192 >>7194 >>7201 >>7222 >>7224 >>7228 >>7231 >>7235

Looking for two video clips containing obama


>first one was obama on AF1 showing his errection as a joke


>second one was a succeful businessman speaking to congress saying that Met Obama on his start in politics. He goes on and says they got a limo went to get coke, smoke crack and preform oral sex


>fuck it, one more for good measure, US captain, or officer (can’t remeber) speaking at DC saying that obama was anti American and pro Muslim brother hood


Anyone have links before I enter video search black hole


Thxs for any help