Anonymous ID: 338e32 Aug. 10, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.2548051   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is a fair question.

There is a saying that everything goes to plan until the first shots are fired, then events proceed speedily and chaotically.


There is also another saying that the battle is won or lost before anybody walks onto the field. Battlefield preparation is reason why the build-up has been so painstaking and careful - to ensure that counter-measures have been prepared and laid and so that plans don't go off half-cocked and miss the main objective.


We can keep ourselves awake at night planning for contingencies and developing mitigation strategies, but the simple fact is that there are very few people who can see accurately into the future. For a good all round mental preparation read Jim Kunstler's - The Long Emergency. It does not look at Qanon but it does look at the effects of Deep State actors and actions on the world.


We will simply have to muddle on to VICTORY as best we can.