Anonymous ID: 3bb4ba Aug. 10, 2018, 7:03 p.m. No.2547906   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2545739 (PB)

Wikileaks has an attorney of record with a known address. Apparently no attempt was made to make either in person or mail service.



More than that, Wikileaks has no nexus in the US, so there is the issue of jurisdiction.


This looks like failure to serve. Additionally, Julian remains a citizen of Ecuador and is totally unable to evade service due to his exile status and pending legal matters in the UK … so why wasn't the summons server put on a jet to go serve him? It can't be THAT hard to find the Ecuadorean embassy.


The only way he can appear in the US in this matter is if the UK waives the earlier matter and permits him to travel.


Lots of luck, assholes. That judge is, once again, one ignorant piece of shit making up law as she goes.


She has NO jurisdiction over either Julian Assange or Wikileaks.


Frankly, I think that the DNC has launched a PR stunt that is going to fall flat on its face.