Anonymous ID: 567594 Aug. 10, 2018, 6:11 p.m. No.2547325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7365

>>2545725 (lb)


Q does not hate Catholics. He hates the current corrupt leadership because they are overrun with faggots, pedos, and Masons. The Masonic lodges have long set their sights on destroying the Catholic Church because we were the only faith that rebuked and condemned them for the dangerous Satanists they were.


So the Masons crafted a plan called the Alta Vendita, which sought to get a Mason or a Masonic friendly Pope in power. Over the past 100 or so years, they've quietly infiltrated the Church leadership, resulting in the evils we are seeing today. These false shepherds are not Catholic, because no where in the Catholic faith does it support Masonic teaching, faggotry, pedophilia, or one world/religion bullshit.


Please, do not push anti-Catholic memes. We are not the enemy. We are just as much the victims in all this because many of us did not know (and still don't know) about the Alta Vendita or the infiltration of Mason buggerers into our beloved Church. A lot of us still faithful pray everyday that this rot will be exposed and removed for the good of all.