Anonymous ID: cd3905 Aug. 10, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.2547378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7400 >>7405 >>7413 >>7440 >>7452 >>7459 >>7473 >>7478 >>7490 >>7492 >>7613 >>7647 >>7699 >>7718 >>7735 >>7743 >>7814 >>7815 >>7819 >>7845 >>7903 >>7986 >>8013 >>8051

Is anyone else struggling with the anxiety of facing reality of a post-Great Awakening world?


We can predict so much, but we can not predict the fallout of Q. Will there be societal upheaval? Economic collapse? Civil war? World war? Will people ever leave there houses again?


Furthermore, will Deep State take the lights out? Will they nuke an American city? In my opinion, they will if they are capable… but we have no option other than fearlessly calling their bluff.

I’m so thankful to be apart of this movement. This is a movement born out of necessity. But it’s importnat for us to STAY STRONG moving forward, like Q says. Can anyone offer any advice / commentary for the best way to strategize and prepare for a post-Q is real world?