Anonymous ID: e416c6 Aug. 10, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.2548046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8057



I spent many years being an arbiter of the truth. In my personal life I was married to a person who lived and believed much of what he has been taught. Divorced and single starting over, I have chosen to stay on the path of absolute truth…sometimes its hard for me but it has its benefits. I can handle the sincere joy and the heartbreaking sorrow because its all REAL. Not the manufactured bs we see on the media propaganda corporate mediums.


This board validated what I have suspected for many years. My loneliness or what I thought was loneliness was probably just the fact that I was born woke, I never fell asleep, or believed the crap I was taught as a kid by the church, tv and on and on.


There are more of us, we are just very guarded and need a bit of time to feel others out before we will talk about what we know. I have found a few and have redpilled a few.


Its a journey and I wouldn't miss it as I think it is a glorious time to be alive.


Peace anon. You are not alone.