Anonymous ID: 03ba82 Aug. 10, 2018, 7:36 p.m. No.2548273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8313 >>8319 >>8463 >>8808


If not, then go rewatch the trump roasts HRC vid over and over.

You'll get comfy with money honey giggling in the background.

We arent here to give 2 shits about 'muh LARP' slides from shills and concernfags….

We are here to dig… expose… and make ready the tools to help the sleepers when they get woken up with a jolt.

Think about it…

How many of us have known this or that but not the whole…

How many have pulled concernfag BS at times..

Weve had over a year.. and in some cases a lifetime to digest this…

Sleepers will need anons to keep their sanity in tact…

THIS is why Q came to us.

Stay focused…

Ignore shills…

And keep the baker girls coming so Bakers get their much needed love!


This plan wont fail…. we are living proof of it!